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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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So, things I did today:

- Went to Salem, Mass. Sadly didn't get a chance to get any pics, but it was neat :3
- Saw a Neo Geo, Sega Nomad, and Nintendo ROB in person
- Obtained some Sega games I wanted to rebuy (Most notibly, Astal; probably my favorite platform game on the Saturn)
- Obtained a toy flintlock pistol (I am Linkara now -w-), as well as a metal sign of the Black Knight from Monty Python (None shall pass!)
- Obtained an awesome figurine of Cloud, blind box figurines of Nami (One Piece) and Baby Mario (Super Mario), and the volume 1 omnibus of Cardcaptor Sakura
- I has a bento >:3
- Obtained a plush Weighted Companion Cube, as well as a plush Domo for my sister :3
- I has Cowboy Bebop: The Movie now. Fuck yeah
- Ate at Subway...then rode on a subway shortly after (Double subways! What could it mean?)
- Sang along to Bohemian Rhapsody on the way home >w<

I saw so many Dunkin Donuts locations in obscure spots it was almost funny xD

So, tomorrow I double dip; the first part of the day I'll spend in trap mode, while the second part I'll return to normal and meet up with Bella :3


wish i could have gotten more souviners. or at least the sanji figure i wanted. but hey, it was a good day, and there's always tomorrow too. :3
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Going to work on getting Cheetah the best G5 graphics card and giving her Nanami's monitor, as Nanami has the same resolution built in as her external monitor has anyway. Cheetah's current monitor has very small resolution, too small for an external...


@Kriz: Sounds good :3


nice. -w-

moo. discuss.
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I like cows. They taste good :3


the white stuff they make tastes good, too.

god that sounded wrong.
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Hell yeah it was >w<

Tomorrow, moar adventures :3


Sounds like you guys had a good time. x)


That we did ^_^
Part of me wanted to put Bella in my pocket and take her with us on whatever we're doing today :3

If anybody's interested, I can share an abridged version of my trip log sometime in the coming week (If I don't be lazy about it ^_^; )


yesterday was quite nice, despite some of the setbacks. a good day indeed.

let's hope that we can get something done today, too. :3
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Glad you guys had a good day, as for mine;
Guess who got Apple certified today?


@Pitkin: We had a great time! The only things that could have made it better would've been having a bit more time, and more OSCers along. :)

@Pent: Pocket Bells! >w<

@Kari: Except now you have to get my sweatshirt back to me. ;^; Maybe you can send it along with that drawing and other-thing-I-don't-want-to-mention-because-it-may-be-a-surprise? ;w; 

@Kriz: Congrats on the certification. :D


@Kriz: Me? Nejin? Al Gore?
J\K :P

Congratulations, dude :3