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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@Kari: Seems like TK is like Laptop in terms of battery life ^_^;
Also, I admit I felt bad when I learned it was the last one in stock of the one you wanted; making me wish I had gone with the other one I wanted ;_;

So, I'm heading back to that computer place today; mainly to take my application back to them, and partially because I want to get some junk printers and such out of my way. I'll report back later today; I might have a laptop to fix up when I get back...

EDIT: Well, my plans for the day are shot. Got stung by a wasp out in the storage building, and since I have no idea if I'm allergic or not (My dad and grandpa aren't, but my great grandfather on that side was, with no idea about my mom's side), I'm staying home today just in case. I only got as far as loading up some keyboards before this happened, but it still pisses me off that my plans for the day are shot >_<;


Ouch. Hope you feel better soon. : (

I went to bed really depressed and then woke up REALLY really depressed and then slept in for a few more hours and ended up being just depressed, which I guess is some sort of improvement?


Well, at least it's an improvement ^_^;

I'm doing a bit better now. My dad called me back, and when I told him what was going on (Just soreness where the sting was; no swelling), he told me that I can continue with my plans for the day if I still feel like it. So, getting stuff loaded up (Just the stuff in my room, because I'm ignoring the storage building >_>; ), and I'll be on my way out


I fell and burnt myself really bad on a Bunsen burner today. Had to go to the hospital, yay 2nd degree burns
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Ouch >_<;

I'm currently at the computer place I got Sara from; waiting on a guy to return from lunch. Also, my truck was trying to die on me, so I'm stuck here waiting. At least I have Sara with me.


@Cockle: Ugh, that sounds horrible. :( I'm glad you're okay, though.


So, you likely saw how I jokingly referred to the Amiga as an "urban legend" earlier in this topic. Well, I ended up coming home with two Amiga 500s and a few games (Sadly no Kickstart disks or power supplies) for next to nothing >w<

I'll have pics up sometime soon :3


>In ranked game playing Leona jungle
>Winning hard as fuck
>Everybody dc's, I can't get back in because "FIREWALLS HURR"
>Team wins, lose elo because I didn't get back into game and thus "Leaver"



>Next game
>Playing with veigar from failgame
>He's mordekaiser mid, I'm karthus jungle
>"I don't want to play this game anymore" -enemy Vladimir

The reason I love this game so hard.


So apparently the computer i was thinking of buying has a habit of self-immolation or some fucking shit.


Toshiba NO NO NO NO NO, bad.

Go with a safe brand, at least. Not to spark another fanboyism war over which brand is best, but some are just NOT OK.


Quote from: Bella on May 30, 2012, 02:28:06 AM
So apparently the computer i was thinking of buying has a habit of self-immolation or some fucking shit.
That's basically what happened with mine, it decided to fry itself from the USB port though. Toshiba satellites are the worst laptops I've ever used, past, maybe an old old dell.
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


My Toshiba Satellite Pro from 1997 is still going strong and in mint condition! :3
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


I've never used a Toshiba laptop for a long period of time, so I can't comment here


It seems like a decent computer and I'd love to check it out, but I really really don't want to take a chance on a lemon or a model that has a known history of major issues. I know it could be a problem that only effects 0.5% of models or 10% of them and it might not even be the cause of the software problems on this computer in question, but I'm just so afraid that it is ... it absolutely sucks getting stuck with a computer that has chronic hardware issues. (I know, it's happened once before and it was the worse computer-experience of my life.) :z