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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@bella: i imagine it might get frustrating after awhile, so the next time it happens, YELL AND MAKE A BIG SCENE CAUSE THE AWKWARD WILL MAKE SURE THEY NEVER SAY IT AGAIN.
@pent: why can't they just make a classic war movie.....
also, you can claim i'm a lesbian if it helps with your mom. :\
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Mom doesn't seem to care that much, surprisingly; it's more her entire side of the family I'm concerned about :\

But, I can use your suggestion if needed


go for it. i'm bi anyway. >>;

so i'm covered in bug bites and i'm not sure why.

oh, and my sister found a huge-ass hornet in her room today. fun times. >>;
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I remember when a wasp found its way into my room. Was not fun >_<;;


today i learned that hornets are a type of wasp. :3
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Eh, actually I don't find it frustrating, I like keeping people confused. ^^;;

Dad seems really impressed by the fact that I'm now officially dating a park ranger (or as he likes to put it, "a government official"). Today he told two relatives in the span of like, twenty minutes... they both expressed shock and awe that I was dating anyone, period. 'Twas funny.

Also since I forgot to mention it yesterday ... I made instant flan ... despite not having the right amount of milk it turned out pretty good. Might try making one on a crust next time...


Quote from: Aurora Borealis on May 21, 2012, 11:46:52 PM
@Choco and Pentium: I'd run out of the house screaming if that happened to me!

Same here. Actually, I DID run out of my house screaming on two occasions when hornets/wasps got in ... the first time I was able to get a neighbor to capture it and kill it, the second time I was able to borrow hornet-killing spray from another neighbor. ^^;


I liked Battleship simply because the U.S.S. Missouri got to blow up an alien ship and the Mighty Mo is one of my favorite things in the world.


@Bella: You have no idea how badly I wanted to sleep on the couch when I found a wasp in my room >_<;;

@Kriz: Sounds cool. Maybe I might watch Battleship when it comes on TV in about 2 years or so; just to riff on it


Well critics say about all movies suck for some reason, I thought the movie was good.


Oh god, I just remembered the time on elementary school baseball team, we were practicing in an abandoned field, and I slid into what I thought was home base, but it was a huge underground nest of hornets that caved in under me a good 2 feet. I was literally stuck in the ground in a hive of wasps. I had to get airlifted to the hospital, and nearly died. Good times, good newfound phobias...
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Fucking shit up since 10999 BC.


@Cockle: Holy shit >_<;;;;
I likely would have died from panicking so much


@cockle: if you meet my sister this summer, please don't tell her that. she's already run screaming from a nest of mud wasps we found in my grandparent's yard once.
glad you're okay. and tbh, i don't think many people like bees. something about something small, flying, and stinging freaks people out. never mind the people that are allergic.

@kriz: i'd like it more if not for the aliens. and personally i feel like the cast should be tweaked a bit. they could have had a great war movie, but instead they made a transformers clone. i'm disappointed due to the potential that's left untapped. :\ (i suppose i shouldn't be too critical because i haven't actually seen it, but that's just my opinion.)

@pent: as funny as the staredad comic is, wasps are some scary-ass shit. not only are they aggressive, but they can sting again. and again. and again.

@aurora: my sister is VERY freaked out by bees/wasps/etc. i usually just stand stark still if there's one near me, but she is liable to run away screaming. of course, it doesn't help that the thing was damn near 2 inches long. >>;;;

@bella: sounds like you have nice neighbors. :3 we're not too acquainted with the neighbors here, besides the one down the hill that tried to sue us (he lost), the one up the hill that died (his niece, who was his caretaker, still comes around on occasion), the family up the street (2 young daughters who liked olive, i decided to tell the parents not to tell them that she died), and the family across from us on the next street over (super-nice people whose grandmother used to spy on our old neighbors who were corrupt bastards who beat up old women).

also, i have a recipe for flan that i've been meaning to make. we usually buy our flan from walmart (they have a surprisingly good brand there), but the homemade stuff sounds nice. how was it?

today, i hope to do little to nothing. actually i hope to clean. and later we're going out to compare prices on blank DVDs and pigment liners. :\
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