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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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aw. :[ hopefully the problem will resolve and she'll be alright.
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Only iMacs starting with the silver 2007 run are in the compatibility list, so since Euphy is a late 2006 (white) model there probably won't be any chance for ML. And we're gonna repair the broken drive but that costs a small fortune :/


sorry to hear that. ;^;

this is why i stick with windows for the most part, since with macs it seems like if you're not ABSOLUTELY CURRENT you're screwed. meanwhile, XP is good till 2015~~ 8)
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Gotta admit, when I bought Euphy I was quite the Apple fanboy.... I still think she's absolutely beautiful (don't like the look of the newer alu-iMacs that much) but one of the less reliable computers in my crew. And from the three Macs I own (Euphy, Crappy (a broken G5 Powermac) and Vin (old Performa)) I get the impression that Apple has quite the "function follows form" philosophy - Euphy and Crappy are quite the worst computers ever when it comes to serviceability). Also I'm not really fond of the ridiculously overpriced iPhone.... so yeah, not quite the fanboy anymore.

If we're talking about design aesthetics: I rather like something sleek looking (e.g. Sun Ultra 40 or really flashy monsters like the SGI Tezro


TBH, I'm into Macs primarily because of OSX being the only user-friendly/general-purpose BSD variant on the market. If I could easily run OSX on non-Apple hardware, I'd much sooner buy a non-Apple computer.

That being said, I have no complaints about my iMac (haven't had a single hardware or major software issue to date). I love the design aesthetic of Apple hardware and OSX, though there are a few PC brands - Dell and HP come to mind - that I quite like from an aesthetic POV. On the OS side, I think Vista is absolutely gorgeous and has always worked well for me, and no complaints about Ubuntu and LinuxMint either.


that's a refreshing statement. i'm used to getting flamed when i say something negative about mac. :\

@bella: the keyword is "easily". i've heard of people getting OSX to run on non-mac hardware, but it was a bitch to do. :\
@paul: my 2 macs are the only computers i've paid for. that said, gothy (though potentially suicidal) is a lovely and reliable member of my team whom i could not do without (i think i'd literally cease to function if she died). as for Quincy, i haven't used him enough to form an opinion. though i'd like to install OS9 and Zoombinis on him. :3

btw guys, i have officially lost any and all respect i had for american comics:
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@Paul, Kari: Thanks. I had a good day ^_^

@Macs: Well, Macs are alright. I love Fuuka and Sonata, but I still lean mostly toward PCs due to it being what I'm used to; I was raised on Windows 95

So, today was a fun day. My dad took me on my first trip to a liquor store (Which all I really bought was a bottle of Coca-Cola xD), I bought almost the entire series of Steam Detectives for $10, and stumbled onto a book sale where I got an old book on vintage computers that Bella would likely want to steal from me ^_^;;


I still don't consider PCs something I could use from day to day and feel like I was being productive, my Macs just do everything a little faster and a little better, regardless of date built or speed. Cheetah who is obviously outclassed in hardware compared to Nanami, feels faster than the later.

I've taken such good care of Mac that she has never grown old, she looks and acts brand new and the same could be said for Cheetah, since I drove 500 miles to get her from a home that cared, another collector and not someone just wanting to get rid of an "obsolete" computer.

My Power Mac G5 isn't obsolete until I say so.


Kari: It's taken you this long?  I try to care about the mainstream superhero comics, but DC/Marvel always shoot me in the head and dump me in a ditch beside my favorite heroes (The Oracle and Captain America, the Metal Men would come to mind).  Also, never really a big fan of the Teen Titans (full disclosure).


How do you think I feel, where's Beta Ray Bill?

please get more popular BRB -your biggest fan


@Kari: I remember reading about that last year.

Superhero comics don't interest me, like, at all. I'm not familiar enough with any to judge them by their stories, though I AM aware that the different series constantly get spinoffs, retcons, retoolings, alternate-universes and series reboots, which would be bound to annoy the fuck out of me. Not to mention the fact that Western superhero comic art has never appealed to me and I tend to despise the repetitive character design ... e.g. big-boobed-and-butted-women-in-skimpy-outfits and ripped tall men in full-body suits of varying tightness.


I haven't actively followed any current American comics. I like some of them (Deadpool comes to mind), but I tend to lean more toward manga; for instance, I could better tell you what was going on in Naruto, Bleach, or Fruits Basket circa '06 (Going by US releases) than what was going on in Spider-Man, Batman, or other American made series


when it comes to american comics, the only ones i like come in graphic novel format and are produced by small publishing houses. the big superhero comics have never interested me due to art style, lack of plot or character development, and the awkward tension i get whenever i'm in a comic shop (except for that one that one time, but that shop has closed down since ;^; ). i just never pictured them doing this to STARFIRE of all people. starfire, one of my childhood favourites, being turned into an emotionless piece of eye meat. HER POWERS ARE FUELED BY EMOTION, FOR FUCK'S SAKE. nevermind the wanton attitude she has now; in the series, she was so much more of a hero. i don't consider this starfire canon. they killed her and replaced her with this robot.

that said, when it comes to american comic reboots, that's actually more of a recent invention; with the market being threatened by the introduction of manga in the 90's and the resulting boom in graphic novels from small houses, comics needed to keep up, and the way to do this that they saw was to retool what they had to fit the current generation. ofc, they seemed to think that the "current generation" changed every couple of years, so they retooled them FREQUENTLY. :\

manga is more satisfying all around. there's more character and plot development, and the characters are so much realer than in the american comics. i look at a story like Kamichama Karin vs Batman, and somehow the one about the little girl who transforms into a goddess with the power of her dead mother's ring feels realer. :\
the style is realer, too. unlike american comics, which takes everything TO THE EXTREME, there are average-looking people. fat people don't look like walking bricks or balloons. people with muscles don't look like they're one vein away from completely exploding. ladies don't ALWAYS have huge tits (and even the ones that do are sometimes modest about it).

i think my point is clear. :\

EDIT: guys, check out what i found when i was looking for the pic i included with that post!
(i love the poem on the last one. :3 )
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considering teenage satan is interactive, i'm gonna suggest it to my sister, who has the iphone. :3
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