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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I started watching this program on Discovery Health about the biology and psychology of attraction, and I really don't know how to feel right now ... on one hand, they initially equated asexuality with frigidness or a lack of sex drive (which is false), but then they turned around and called it a lack of attraction toward others (which is the correct definition) and talked to asexual people who presented their orientation in a positive way. And then they ended the segment by calling it an inborn sexuality like any other.

I mean I wanna be enraged by the first part, but the rest was surprisingly ... truthy.


That's cool ^_^

So, I discovered something that's a bit of a letdown. Cartoon Network Video will only let you watch shows on there if you provide login information for the website of your cable or satellite provider; which, given that I don't know if my mom even setup such a thing with Dish Network, prevents me from watching Adventure Time in the comfort of my room ;_;


I hath returned from the mountains.

We had snow. Lots of it. Loooots.

Fortunately we also had internet, so I didn't even miss the damn episodes coming out. ^v^


@Nej: Damn you and your snow. I didn't get snow at all this year ;_;

So, my aunt is back in the hospital again after having a stroke. She's doing better now, but it was looking really bad last Saturday. However, the part that really has me worried was that my cousin's father-in-law had one recently, as well as Cappy from what I saw on her Facebook this morning ;_;


I think Stew has ascended to a higher plain of geekdom AND hipsterdom by plotting to create and run his own radio station. : o


He is? Awesome; if it's available online, I might just attempt to add 3G internet to my truck's sound system so I can listen >:3


We'll see.  I'm following an ebay auction in the vain hope of saving a hundred/fifty /some dollars on the actual transmitter.  Antenna, power supply, ground, and other cables to be figured out at some point.


Fun. Let's hope snipers don't beat you to it.

Also, Stew, y u no on YIM?


@Stew: Sounds cool :3

So, my trip is less than 2 months away now. I can't wait >w<


Citizens of OSC, I need your help:
I'm shopping for headphones. I want fairly good quality, but I can only spend $40 USD or less (the remaining amount of my bday/xmas money). Appearance isn't greatly important, though I'd like something that's not "cheap" looking and comfortable to wear. Any suggestions?

I'm leaning toward the  Panasonic RP-HTX7-R1 in either red or green, because it has positive reviews for sound quality, it looks good, and has a fairly long cord and is right in my price range.


I have a set of Koss over-the-ear headphones, that run like $20 or so at Wal-Mart last I checked. They have very nice sound quality and are really comfortable, so you might consider them :3

Dr. Kraus

Quote from: Bella on April 10, 2012, 01:55:27 PM
Citizens of OSC, I need your help:
I'm shopping for headphones. I want fairly good quality, but I can only spend $40 USD or less (the remaining amount of my bday/xmas money). Appearance isn't greatly important, though I'd like something that's not "cheap" looking and comfortable to wear. Any suggestions?

I'm leaning toward the  Panasonic RP-HTX7-R1 in either red or green, because it has positive reviews for sound quality, it looks good, and has a fairly long cord and is right in my price range.

Your local audiophile as arrived on the seen!

First off, Panasonic is a terrible brand for audio (great TVs though)

Here are your best options, I will say you are quite limited on selection due to your low budget

1. Koss UR40 Lightweight Headphones $39.99 Have used these for studio recording and they are great

2. Sony MA Series Stereo Headphones $29.99 These are new to the market but Sony can always provide great DJ & Premium headphones

3. Sony ZX Series (MDR-ZX100 or MDR-ZX300) $19.99 - $29.99 Own the ZX100's and they are great for anyone with normal ears, my ears pop out so they make it uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time.

4. Razer Moray in-ear headphones $39.99 Believe it or not, Razer makes some amazing headphones with amazing sound quality! I own the Razer Charcharias and the sound quality on these are amazing compared to many other brands I've used, comfort is also great!

5. Audio-Technica ATH-M10 $27.49 (Amazon) Audio-Technica have always been amazing (the M50's are out of this world) so their lower grade stuff like this are a great choice, M50's are what I will always recommend but they are WAY outside your price range ($150)

These are my top 5 choices for you, pick and chose but please, for the love of god, don't buy Panasonic because your ears will hate you and they will probably break after a few weeks or so. All of these choices will last you a life time if you care for them, they are all REALLY nice products and not headphones you would just throw around (like my pair of samsung in-ear headphones).





don't ask me. idk the brand of headphone i even have, same goes for the backup pair i found at walmart the other day. though the last time i went headphone shopping i was looking for sony, so i'll throw my hat into the ring for that. pretty sure 3.1 agrees with me. -w-


it was EPIC. best one yet. it got off to a rough start, and i'm recovering from con plague now, but it was still the best yet. ^^ i may have chickened out of the full lum cosplay (it's not quite ready anyway), but it still turned out great. was recognized by some people, handed out quite a few porn folders, it all came together nicely. got lots of swag and plenty of pics. -w-

thursday: hauled 5 bags down to cambridge, only to find my first class was canceled. lugged them all the way to kenmore square and ended up having my mum deliver a rolling suitcase. packed up as much as possible into the suitcase, got my pass and made it to mel's dorm without too much incident. spent the night making my lum cosplay with mel and her roommate, sarah. went to bed at about 4:30 am.

friday: woke up at about 8am. got ready and was out at maybe 10? (i was slow, much to mel and sarah's chagrin.) made it to the subway, where (once we got off at arlington) had one of the scariest experiences of my life: while going up a small 1-person escalator to the upper floor, i tripped and tumbled backwards down the up escalator and ended up getting trapped under my luggage. someone hit the stop button and a nice older gentleman helped me up, after which another older station attendant helped me out, and carried my bag up to the floor and to the elevator. i wasn't seriously hurt, just bruised and scratched and shaken to hell. miraculously, nothing was lost, though the strap on my purse broke, and one of the back strap loops on my backpack snapped as well. after that, they were a tad more forgiving with me being slow, except a few hours later when i was late to helping mel pick up the luggage from her grandmother's house (her grandmother is a saint; she not only let me stay there when i had no place to go the second night of my first AB, but she also patched me up and gave me a sandwich this time around in addition to letting us leave our luggage there before we checked into the hotel). i ended up bringing it all up to the room myself so they wouldn't miss any more of the panel they were going to. after that, the day went alright, though i ended up getting pretty damn miffed at them later so i skipped a panel we were going to go to together, instead finding and hanging out with an old friend.

saturday: saturday went quite a bit smoother, though i was late to the panel i had that morning. despite this, the entire day went lovely, with a bath in the afternoon to ease my hurt shoulders (those bags took their toll, and bengay can only do so much), and the swap meet later that night. it ran long, however, so i was alone when i went to the hentai dubbing that night. however, it was still fun. ^^

sunday: the last day of con is always the saddest, given that all good things must come to an end, but despite this (and more drama) things went well. me and mel made it on time for a digimon panel, which we fangirl'd over, and the rest of the day was spent packing and a couple last minute things (last trip to the dealer's room, last panel, etc). sadly none of us (except russell) made it to the closing ceremonies, but that was alright, and after a glitch or two (forgetting my charlie card was empty, so i had to borrow 2 bucks from mel), i made it to the bus alright. ended up being dragged into easter dinner, but it was okay.

will report about swag later. i got a little something for as many people as i could remember at the con (there were a lot of people bouncing around in my brain along with limited funds, sorry).
click to make it bigger


Man, I haven't been to a con since AB 2010.