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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Quote from: PentiumMMX on March 08, 2012, 09:17:36 AM
I'd comment, but we all know how I feel about the fact I'm nearly 21 and my wisdom teeth have shown zero signs of developing, so I'll just leave it at that >_<

Really, really, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaally lucky that you don't have to spend thousands of dollars on a surgery that can cause such delightful things as losing all feeling in your lips and infections? Or having to wait years to spend even more money on a surgery that's even MORE likely to cause paralysis and infections?

I'd have given anything to not have wisdom teeth and not be faced with a situation like this. Or you know, a time machine so i could go back and bully 17-yo me into stop being a pussy and getting them all out.

Quote from: Krizonar on March 08, 2012, 09:22:55 AM
I had mine taken out and to be honest, it wasn't as bad as I imagined.

If you don't mind my asking, how old were you at the time?

At this point the surgery itself doesn't bother me (except for the anesthesia, if possible and safe I'd rather go with local-only), now I'm only worried about nerve damage and stuff. : /


Well, the medical complications of wisdom teeth seem rare. Sure, every other person on this site had theirs removed, but nobody in my direct family ever had theirs removed as far as I know

But, it makes me feel like a freak of nature when I've always been a late bloomer on everything; both social and genetic



It would be like Spiderman complaining. "Oh poor me. I can shoot spider webs from my wrists and do BADASS THINGS LIKE SWING AROUND A CITY. Woe be me!" No. No. Just stop. THIS IS A GOOD THING.


If you're going to go there, a more accurate way to put it is this:

Final Fantasy VI: ShowHide
How Terra acts upon discovery of being half-esper. At first she thinks she's a freak, and enters a comatose-like state because she's scared of her true nature. Eventually, she does come to her senses, and uses her newfound power for epic awesomeness >:3


Quote from: Bella on March 08, 2012, 09:23:24 AM
If you don't mind my asking, how old were you at the time?

At this point the surgery itself doesn't bother me (except for the anesthesia, if possible and safe I'd rather go with local-only), now I'm only worried about nerve damage and stuff. : /
It was earlier last year, so I was 17.


lol, kriz is young. xD

@bella: um.....i was about to turn 19 when i had mine removed. no complications. i didn't even need all the painkiller. my taste buds and mouth region are just as over-sensitive as ever. >>;

also, in reference to the 25+ set getting theirs removed, what about the 90% that DON'T have complications.....seriously, you're blowing it out of proportion. it's like in the episode of american dad where greg and terry have a baby and terry is freaking out over every little thing. (terry: 'do you know how many babies are born without anuses!!!??" greg: "that's it, no more webmd for you.")

as for infections or whatever, where the hell are you getting this done, rural thailand? :\
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Yes, I probably am making too much of it, but seriously, my mouth is tied for the top spot of Places on My Body I'd Rather Not Have Potentially-Nerve Damaging Surgery Done On, along with my spine, right hand and someplace else I'd rather not mention outside the H thread. I wouldn't be able to ever lead a fulfilling life again if I couldn't feel my lips/if it felt like I just had a novacane injection in my jaw/couldn't taste.

And yeah, 90% chance of not having nerve damage doesn't sound terrible, but when you think of it in terms of "1 in every 10 people" it becomes one fuckton more terrifying...

At any rate, today I just got a letter from the state saying I've been approved for medical aid because of my dependent/non-working status. At least now I don't have to worry about it costing an arm and a leg, and they might even foot the entire bill. I'm not sure. : /


I can understand where Bells's apprehension comes from, but it's something she'll need to work on.  Times have changed, and even back then what happened was a rarity.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Well, possibly this Saturday I'll be taking my typewriter in for repairs. I'll let you know how well it goes :3


i had my nerd moment!!!

we were on the topic of 8bit gaming systems and lag and refresh rates in SNES and NES systems and whatnot and i already knew about everything my teacher was saying, even when he was explaining how box tvs work (vacuum tubes and electron guns and whatnot).

click to make it bigger



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Well, my night is pretty much shot. Thanks to the power flickering because of the storm, I lost all my games on Steam. Now, I'm forced to redownload everything, when I've spent months doing just that after that piece of shit SSD died on me >_<


How did you lose them?
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Spent the last two days configuring the router and my computers for IPv6. Got a tunnel through and everything works fine!

It's kind of awesome knowing that you have a HUGE number of IPs available just for you (HE gives you /64 and /48 nets, grabbed a /48.