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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Google Translate is awesomely funny at times xD



@bella: my god, that pun was perfect. ;v;
@nej: lulz. you WOULD play that sort of game. xDDD
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Today was very slow at work. Much preferred over how last Wednesday was, but it was tiring; wondering aimlessly just to find something to do

But, weekend starts now. Tomorrow night, RPGing >:3


-w- enjoy your weekend, dude.

EDIT: btw guys, thought some of you might find this interesting:
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That is interesting :3


random: those new gevalia commercials are so cool.

'joe may have your back, but johann has your feet."
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Gev-whats?  Is that... a type of shoes?

Today my brother has his Eagle Scout ceremony, so, once again I'm going to spend most of the day away from the internet enjoying my visiting family/party/delicious cake.


Coffee 's what it is.


yes, gevalia is a fancy type of imported coffee. i just like the commercials. :\

congrats to your brother. :3 i always wanted to be in the boy scouts (or something other than girl scouts), but sadly never achieved that dream. and girl scouts didn't teach me shit. :\
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 04, 2012, 11:29:34 AM
congrats to your brother. :3 i always wanted to be in the boy scouts (or something other than girl scouts), but sadly never achieved that dream. and girl scouts didn't teach me shit. :\

I think my mom/grandma/childhood best friend wanted me to join Girl Scouts, but I was stubborn and wouldn't.

The closest I came was selling cookies door-to-door with my aunt and cousin, in this sketchy neighborhood ... she invited my dad along for protective duty, lol. They ended up cleaning up though, Rednecks seem to really like their cookies.


@Kari: I'm sure you had more fun with Girl Scouts than I did with RA (The "Christian-oriented Boy Scouts clone", as retarded as that sounds >_<; )
Let's just say, aside from a few good things, that's a part of my past I'd rather not talk about

Anyway, the weather is nice today. I'm considering getting out for a bit this afternoon, to get some fresh air and some new pics :3


Christian-oriented Boy Scouts?

Because the normal Boy Scouts is such an orgy of godless depravity.


but the regular boy scouts is already christian. or catholic. one of those. :\

i just wanted to learn how to survive in the woods. :[

or maybe i could join
this group. :\
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I just wanted to learn about something other than football :[

Really; all that RA group I was part of discussed was American Football, of which I did not care about. Now, had it been soccer, I might have cared more; as that sport's alright