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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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i'd like to watch a match to start with. :3
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Down here we're still in Pittsburgh's TV market, to my infinite displeasure.  I'd rather watch the fuckin' Caps then the Penguins.

Kari: You've seen pictures of me.  I am post-hipster.


Quote from: PentiumMMX on February 05, 2012, 04:22:43 PM
So, I have a PS2 network adapter now. I don't own any games that support it, but hey :3

That's really cool.  You and Kari should get a game with network capability and you can play together. :3  If you look on co-optimus, I'm sure you can find something you both like.

I actually bought my old PS2 (one that I eventually sold to my best friend) back when I started college.  I think it was second gen (a year before they went slimline, I think) and came with a network adapter and an ATV game.  It was the same price as the other PS2s the store had that didn't have network adapters or a free game - yeah, hard choice there, huh?

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on February 05, 2012, 01:07:14 PM
the stereotype has been burned into my mind like buttcheeks and waffle iron. without examples and pictures, i'm going to have a hard time making the distinction. >>;

It's okay, Kari.  Everything's okay. ^^ You are not alone.

Super Bowl... meh.  We had a thing at work for it last night, but that was well after my shift was over.

I get paid today... awesome!  Now I just have to stay up for 5-7 more hours... YAY!

The Choice of a New Generation.


@Dan: Agreed. I heard the servers for Ratcher & Clank: Up Your Arsenal are still running, so that's a possibility :3

So, I think I'm coming down with a cold or something. I've had a sore throat since last night >_<
About to have some hot tea to see if that will help any, if at all


Quote from: stewartsage on February 06, 2012, 01:08:57 AMKari: You've seen pictures of me.  I am post-hipster.

I was trying to think of a suitable reply to this but all I can muster is this emote: ^v^

@Pent: I don't expect you to like your local sports teams, considering how you don't really like your area and find the local obsession with sports baffling. It's kind of different for me since I live and breathe New England-ness and love just about everything associated with my region, sports teams included; not to mention the total embarrassment of losing to the Giants, since eastern New Englanders, especially Bostonians, tend to dislike New York (and New Yorkers) with a burning passion. Now we're going to have to put up with New Yorkers bragging about the alleged "superiority" of their statistically inferior team for god knows how long...

For me personally, if ANY other team had beaten the Patriots, I would be disappointed, but been able to get over it rather quickly. But losing to NY is like having salt rubbed into the wounds.

@Martial arts: The only one I'd really like to learn is krav maga, since that looks like it'd be both fun and potentially very useful.

Dr. Kraus

Quote from: stewartsage on February 06, 2012, 01:08:57 AM
I'd rather watch the fuckin' Caps then the Penguins.

Off to the slave camps with you.


Oh, get off it, you continental jockheads. Stop whining and start playing REAL football like proper people! Football, as in the sport where you actually use your feet more than once a game. :7

Whose idea was it to name the sport "football", anyway? That's just odd.


@nej: i have no idea whose idea it was. but football is superior to american football. and rugby is MUCH superior to american football. and hockey is superior to everything. -w-

@dan: funny thing is, we finished watching the NGE movie of the same name in anime club today. :3

@bella: krav maga isn't real martial arts. learn something useful, like judo. >>;

@stew: so civil war chic is post-hipster? interesting....

@pent: feel better. :[ if you get the sniffles, my sister's friend's cure is to brew a cup of tea, and then hold your head over it with a blanket over the back of your head, and just breathe. :\
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Curling > snowboarding and skiing > all the other sports.

I've tried to get into soccer in the past, but just can't for whatever reason... maybe it's because the local MLS team sucks. >>

No idea why we call American football "football", imo "American rugby" would be a more accurate name. Likewise baffling to me is how seriously many parts of the world takes soccer, sadly exemplified in the riots that sometimes break out. I mean, yeah, we have sports riots on occasion in the US, but they're usually celebratory and peaceful in nature and DON'T end with dozens dead and thousands injured... ><

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on February 06, 2012, 04:03:04 PM@bella: krav maga isn't real martial arts. learn something useful, like judo. >>;

Ano...................... you do realize that krav maga incorporates judo? And that it's one of the most useful and effective fighting techniques ever created? I mean, it was developed by the Israeli Defense Forces (including their Special Forces, who're pretty much the King BAMFs of the global military community), and it's so effective that law enforcement and military organizations around the world train their members in its techniques.

A "real martial art" or not, I'd rather learn how to fight and defend myself in a REAL WORLD situation, disarm assailants, and take on several attackers at once than learn some pretty-looking kicks and punches which may or may not help if somebody's making a serious attempt to attack me or brandishing a knife or gun.


@Kari: No sniffles; just sore throat and lack of energy. Drinking tea helped a little bit, at least


@bella: i suppose basing one's opinions on the opinions of a former relative aren't exactly good but every time i see the local krav maga studio i just think back to how he called it a fake piece of crap.

it's not my time/money/effort, though, so learn whatever you like. though you should remember that most karate isn't made of "pretty kicks", it's made of practical blocks, punches, kicks, and takedowns. only when you start to get to the higher belts do you get the stuff they show in the movies.

@pent: let's hope you get better soon. :\
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I'm actually feeling a bit better now; after a quick nap, a foot massage from my cat, and a nice hot shower :3

Also, courtesy of a topic on GameFAQs, I found something that I can picture Nej owning

Dr. Kraus

Just got paid $50 for slapping 1Gb of RAM into a system that can barely run anymore, today was a good day.


Nice, man. I got paid $2 for making sure my bro-in-law picked the right power supply for his desktop. Sure, that's pretty much just one bottle of Coca-Cola, but hey; Coke :3


told you a nap was what you needed. -w-

@kraus: your song is now on my ipod along with paul's.

also, if they want to save it, it's no one's business to stop them. :3
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