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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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get pics if it happens again! ^^
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So today it's February 4th again - officially the worst day of the year for me :/ (you know the drama when a year ago my oh-so-nice prospective girlfriend dumped me via a F***ING TEXT MESSAGE).
But yeah, I'm over her and in some months I'll hopefully never see her again... yet after all this time it still stings a little, but I've long stopped blaming myself for the whole disaster.
Gonna whip out the guitar and play some nice, angry songs :S


Quote from: Paul on February 03, 2012, 12:15:08 AM
That DEC looks teriffic o.o What's the exact model and the specs?
Seems you got a good catch here ^^

It's a Professional 350, has a 13.33mhz DCF-11 processor but I'm not sure what amount of RAM it has (though it has to be somewhere in the 256kb - 1mb range).

Quote from: Paul on February 04, 2012, 12:03:29 PM
So today it's February 4th again - officially the worst day of the year for me :/ (you know the drama when a year ago my oh-so-nice prospective girlfriend dumped me via a F***ING TEXT MESSAGE).
But yeah, I'm over her and in some months I'll hopefully never see her again... yet after all this time it still stings a little, but I've long stopped blaming myself for the whole disaster.
Gonna whip out the guitar and play some nice, angry songs :S

That really sucks. Getting dumped is bad enough but it was especially rude of her to not even do it face-to-face ...  : \

It's good you're not blaming yourself, though. If she didn't want to be with you, that's her loss; I think somebody as smart and creative as you would be quite a catch and some woman will realize that sooner or later. : )


@paul: love stinks!

that said, i feel your pain, only mine is around christmas and thanksgiving, and when listening to the acoustic version of the song "Everlong" by the foo fighters. >>;;

getting angry helps. you do that. :3
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on February 04, 2012, 11:57:27 AM
get pics if it happens again! ^^

I put another bottle in to see if I can replicate the event.   But I need to be quick with the camera lol.   It happened so fast. 


if your camera has a video setting, set it to record, then video the whole event, including taking the bottle out of the freezer.
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@Paul: I kind of know what that's like, except for me it's late September-early October, or if I hear the Iron Maiden song, Judas Be My Guide (A song permanently banned from my mix for the bad, almost suicide-inducing memories forever tied to that song)

@Silentbob: That sounds cool, for lack of a better way to describe it :3


Bah, the other bottle isn't freezing the same way.  The soda seems to be freezing slowly, creating ice crystals inside the bottle and when I take it out, nothing happens.   Oh well.


@Bells: wow, that DEC is ANCIENT!!! :3
And thanks for the kind words, though I don't think I'm really smart or creative (just a wannabe in most cases actually xD)
Sooner or later is good... hopefully sooner ^^ I've been wanting a relationship for quite some time now and am kind of desperate lately.
And yeah, it took me quite a long time to get over it (almost half a year) but now I'm at the point where I'm actually glad that I don't have to see her ever again after this final school year is over. I've come to the conclusion that I think she isn't really a nice person, but rather just hiding under an all-to-cute and bubbly façade.

@Kari: I don't really think that love stinks... it's just that rejection can hurt you in some of the worst ways, I guess

@Pentium: Thankfully there's no particular song I associate with her, though I wrote some songs dealing with the whole situation...

Dr. Kraus

Hey guys, check out my band's demo (its just two of us)

Guitar: @Felenator (Twitter)
Drums: @TechKraus (Twitter) AKA Me

Tell me how you guys like it, we spent only around 4 hours working on this yesterday.


@kraus: aw man, that rocked so hard. >w<
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Dr. Kraus

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on February 04, 2012, 07:54:21 PM
@kraus: aw man, that rocked so hard. >w<

Thanks! Though, this was probably the worst of our playing last night since we had worked on this 4 hours strait with out a break.

Our minds were pretty much numbed out by this point and we were playing with mainly feeling, the transitions need work and such but I'm really glad you like it!


hope you don't mind that i downloaded it, lol. xD
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Dr. Kraus

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on February 04, 2012, 08:28:44 PM
hope you don't mind that i downloaded it, lol. xD

Lol, No I don't mind, I put the download option just in case someone wanted to download it.

Its nice to know someone has taken the time to download it, if you'd like, I'll give you a heads up when the finished product comes out.

We recorded with a iPhone by the way, I'm pretty impressed by the quality of the audio...


cool, i'd like the finished one when it comes out. :3

and damn, who knew the quality was that stellar. *__*;
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