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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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>Apple III selling in NH
>Going for $800

Also, for that price I would so rather have a replica PDP-8.


At least vintage computers turn up at all on the craigslist in your area. Here, the closest you'll get to "vintage" is a beat-to-hell 12-year-old eMachines desktop running Windows ME


I have all the vintage computers I really care to have now, unless I got like a TAM or 128k/512k or something.


@Pent: Yes, but a lot of the time the sellers are either VERY tech-savvy and know they can charge a lot and get a diehard collector to pay it, or idiots who think their C-64/Apple II/"insert other garden-variety vintage machine" is worth a fsckton just because it's "old", never mind its actual value or condition. I generally only buy from sellers who are both competent AND realistic about their prices - so far that's been like, two people, plus another who was willing to do a trade.

@Kriz: I know what you mean, right now I'm not seriously looking for any more vintage machines but still check craigslist in case any good deals crop up. I'd actually like to focus more attention on emulated historic systems, especially the PDP-8 + OS/8 and PDP-10 + TOPS-10...


Did you ever get that /// sorted, bells?
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Quote from: Red-Machine on January 26, 2012, 01:48:58 PM
Did you ever get that /// sorted, bells?

Nope. The last we heard from the seller he was sick (apparently) and may've died/not sent it out/sent it out but its heavy-ass self got lost somewhere in the USPS system/wedon'treallyhaveanyclue.


Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


I smell a 15000 here somewhere, I believe.

Also, X-Men First Class...

...was pretty first class...

...though I do believe watching an X-Men movie in an airplane once before, certainly NOT in first class... puns certainly aren't first class either.


@Red: Yes, it does suck. : /

@Nej: I kinda want to see X-Men First Class. -w-

So, looks like amazon has sent out my noodles...


@Bella: Agreed. It pissed me off that the III never arrived >_<

Speaking of Bella, I saw a girl who looked vaguely like her while at work today. Is the OSC leaking?


@Nej:  Agreed.

@Bella:  You should see it.  It's a great movie, and not in the "it's a great (X) movie" sense, either.  It's just a really well-written, nicely-paced, and genuinely entertaining film.  While there are some in-jokes for fans who have seen the other movies, they're subtle enough that you don't feel like you're missing anything if you haven't seen the others (which honestly aren't worth it, considering the quality of the others, especially X-Men Origins: Wolverine >,<).  Anyway, not going to ruin you on it before you've even seen it by hyping it to death, so yeah...

On the topic of vintage computers, I really wish I knew where that old IIe I had was... :/

The Choice of a New Generation.


@Pentium: I saw a woman who looked sort of like me awhile back at an auto parts store, my initial reaction was "Ooh, pretty". ^^;

@IDK: Actually, I've already watched AND enjoyed the X-Men trilogy so it's not as if I'm unfamiliar with the franchise... I guess I'll have to put First Class on my to-watch list. ^^


I've seen every one of the other films as well, and it's probably best to compare to the second film in terms of general tone.  You can see a lot of Bryan Singer's influence on the story of the film from the first two movies.  In a lot of ways, it feels more like the comic books than any of the other movies thanks to the theme.  I should also warn you that the film is a canon-breaker and many times just does what it wants to in that regard, but I honestly thought that was the right thing to do, because it benefits greatly from a story in-and-of-itself as a result.  Sorry, sorry... there I go again... *steps away from the keyboard*

The Choice of a New Generation.





eh, at least i got the last post on page 999. -w-

to make up for it, here's the thread i mentioned on that other site that blew up after post 1000.)

EDIT: so guys, yesterday was interesting.

first class was mediocre as usual.
second class involved a mandatory field trip to the museum, which was lovely since i saw several galleries i never had before. took a bunch of pics, will post later. (CULTURE UP YER ASS, YO~) getting back from the museum, however, involved a trip through train hell:
as you know, i hurt my knee on tuesday. one of the recommendations from the doctor was not to use it much or stand on it for long periods. the museum involved both. by the time i got back to the museum's t stop, all i wanted to do was sit on a bench (all of them were full, the bastards). it took about 25 minutes for the train to show up (norm is 10-15), and the last 10 minutes of this involved the train just stopped at an intersection down the street. (the light changed several times, allowing the train to go, and yet it just sat there.) when the train finally showed up, it was too full for anyone to get on, so it just went on through. next one took about another 5-10 minutes to show up, and that one was so full, it left some of us at the station (me included). the third one took ANOTHER 10 or so minutes to show up, and was so crowded i could barely find space to stand, and after a few stops, we were all crammed in like sardines (me being crowded by some indian dude with a giant suitcase that didn't seem to know when to avoid someone's space). finally got off up the line, switching to a different train to get to class. ><;;;;;;


3rd class was mediocre. we didn't draw, which was nice in a way given my knee.

4th class was the epic one (seems like it's going to be the favourite.) one of the conditions of the class is that we play a game every time. this time around, he brought in tennis balls and paper paint buckets, and we spent the first 20 minutes of class just playing around. after that, he split us into groups (by birthday, so my group had 6 while the other one had 3) and had us invent a game using objects around the room. as we were bouncing ideas around, someone in the group noticed a ladder in the back, so we built the game around it. i suggested the name ladderball, which someone thought sounded like 'bladder', so we dubbed the game 'bladderball'. :3
the object of the game was to bounce a tennis ball through a rung on the ladder (almost like skeeball, but with bouncing instead of rolling). if one could sink the ball through the corresponding rung on the other side (straight through, not the rung below it or above it), the points would double. there was also a bucket underneath that, if one could bounce the ball through a rung and into it, would grant 1,000,000 points (but we bumped it down to 200 since it was getting ridiculous). if one missed the rung, and the ball bounced in the 'bounce zone' (a rectangle made of tape, starting at the edge of the ladder and ending at the place where the player stands) and the player catches it on the first bounce, the player may replay the ball.
the teams were called the Comrades and the Hikers (god knows why, but it was funny). overall, it was a fun game and made me crave waffles and fried dough (carnival food).

the other team's game was named "ball game". xD god i love this class. >w<
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