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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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i'd like to see that in action. :\
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So yeah, Anon has claimed responsibility for the attacks that brought down the Dept. of Justice, Universal Music, RIAA, and MPAA.  In another bit of interesting news, MU and its affiliates are owned by a well-known record producer, Swizz Beats.  That seems to explain this rather unusual pro-MU hip-hop video that was released some time ago.  The same video was responsible for a legal battle that was already going on between Universal Music and Megaupload.
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In any case, what seems to be the reason MU was targeted was that they were allegedly "aiding piracy", but it's most likely a case similar to Napster so many years ago where the most popular website was targeted to make an example.

EDIT:  Changed link in spoiler tags to a better page... f**king escapist... >,<
EDIT2:  Alex would you please enlighten us more about this MU spoof?  I think that would be pretty critical information, but I can't find anything about it.  While I support Anon's cause, I really think people would like to know when and how this kind of thing can happen, so they can avoid being drawn into something they'd prefer not to be.
EDIT3:  Nvm, found it.

The Choice of a New Generation.


I'm not sure what the big deal about anon is, they're just some teenagers that do DOS attacks, the easiest type.

I support their cause, but it's silly to think they can do anything.


So, I have a new mouse finally. It feels like the awesome no-name one I used to have, although this one is made by Microsoft, like my keyboard :3
It's a 5-button, which I feel is overkill, but hey; it's still nice ^_^


Back after a short absence. School has started back up again and I have less free time. In other news SNOOOOOOW~!

I love snow, but people here are straight up stupid about it. Less then a foot of snow and stuff has been closed for a week.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


That's nothing; a school district in a nearby town shut down because of the threat of snow. Not a single flake fell that day, but the threat alone made them shut everything down


Yeah well, far as that goes my school at least waits for the snow to start falling. I got snowed into seattle once because of it.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


@snow: places that aren't used to it freak out at the sight of it. for example, while ohio is used to ice (and TONS of it), about 3 inches of snow is enough to shut down the entire columbus area. (told to me by a former ohio resident.)
it would take at LEAST a foot and a half (usually more) of wet, driving snow to shut down school around here. i used to have to walk home in that shit. i knew the meaning of trench foot one year. ><;;;;

@pentium: nice new mouse. :3 i'm happy about mine too; i almost regretted spending the $15 on it, but hey, having a mouse is nice. ^^

@kriz: maybe the vocal anons are like that. it's the non vocal ones that are the big guys.
when it comes down to it, you can laugh at anon all you want, but it won't change the fact they'll always be there, coming out of the woodwork in times of crisis like this.

@dan: i wish i could access the LOIC. i'd like to help. :\
that said, i support their efforts. though i'm not a hacker myself, i wish i could learn; it seems like it'd be a useful skill to have.
i'll wait around and watch for what comes next. as far as i'm concerned, making an example out of anything, regardless of the situation, is counterproductive and wrong. this case is only made worse by the increasing government intrusion into our lives. what do they care if i have insurance for me or my (future) car or my (future) house? what do they care if i vaccinate my (future) kids or not? what do they care if i keep a line of credit or not? what one person does with their life is no one's business but their own, unless that life intrudes on the lives of others. i don't see that happening in this case.
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Smith's pulled the SOPA bill!!! (But who knows for how long...)


The Choice of a New Generation.


I'm glad to hear SOPA is dead (for now), even if I'm still nervous that something as bad as it or worse could take its place... : /

I had an annoyingly ambiguous day today - some good things and disappointing things happened, but I can't feel too good about the nice things that happened because of the disappointing things, and vice versa. : /

The timing was off all day, I ended up missing the movie I've been wanting to see for weeks because of my dad having to conduct some impromptu furniture shopping, there were ponies EVERYWHERE but not the ones I'm looking for, I couldn't find doll hair-rooting needles at the craft store and all the watercolor paints at the same shop were stratospherically expensive (my watercolor set is ATROCIOUS though - I don't even want to paint anymore until I find a better set). On the other hand, because we didn't see the movie I was able to go to an antique shop I hardly ever get to visit, and was able to find this set of prints I've wanted since the last time I visited there - in September, maybe. I'd felt regretful for not buying them before, so I got them this time (at a discounted price). But buying those ate up the last of my Christmas money. : \

Dr. Kraus

My day has been pretty ~lazy.

1. Wake up
2. Shower
3. watch Eden of the East full series
4. watch Eden of the East movie 1
5. watch Eden of the East movie 2
6. Little bit of Programming
7. Messing on the web
8. Made a blog (click the website icon thing if you want to visit it, there really isn't anything on it yet though)
9. Post here
10. going to go get some food after this post
11. going to download some more anime and watch it
12. going to start the learning process for C++
13. going to go to bed or something like that.
14. WOOT Friday over.


Quote from: Dr. Kraus on January 20, 2012, 05:15:38 PM
3. watch Eden of the East full series
4. watch Eden of the East movie 1
5. watch Eden of the East movie 2

That the Aussie drama show about the mining company?
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Nope, it's some anime about ... something... i have no idea, I've never watched it.

Dr. Kraus

Its an anime targeted at showing how money can corrupt and get you pretty much anything, and the MC is trying to create a better country with the money which is given to him. Its pretty good and I recommend it if you like Deep and fast pase stuff!