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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I hate it when my ears are ringing, but I imagine it's worse if it's constant >_<


I have had it in the past.  For a few days after parties and about a fortnight after playing a Star Trek: Bridge Commander mod that had really high-pitched phaser sounds a few years back.

This is a fortnight again, so hopefully it'll subside soon.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Ergh, I feel for you, Red. I once had ringing in my ears, well, in one of them, and it wasn't so much ringing as a low-pitch buzzing that was accompanied by a feeling of vibration/pressure changes deep in my ear. It drove me absolutely insane, but went away after about a week. Never been so happy. >.<

A milder form seems to have returned a few days ago, but it's either gone away or I've stopped noticing...


This is a lot louder than it has been in the past, but I can drown it out with the right kind of music.  It's like my ears hear the sounds, and tune out the ringing.

It'll be the new headset I got.  It started the same day I got it and my ears felt uncomfortable after about fifteen minutes of using them.  Was using them on and off the last two weeks but have now given up on them.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


@Red: I'm feeling with you. I've been having tinnitus for a long time and it really sucks.

So today I got a little surprise fairly cheap.... an old Pentax K1000 (the first model that was made in Japan, so we're talking about 1975-1978 here) fairly cheap. The lens is a little dirty but the mirror's clean :3


Sounds cool :3

So, there's a chance of my trip plans getting delayed once more, due to my sister having some money issues brought on by her husband's inability to budget things. It's still to early to tell at the moment, but this could make my plans harder to see through to completion. Hopefully it'll all blow over and my plans can continue without issues


Quote from: Aurora Borealis on January 10, 2012, 04:18:13 PM
Today is my birthday and my brother's; I'm feeling just fine, but my brother has been feeling really crappy for the past 2 weeks, having the flu and now pneumonia. :(

1) Oh my gosh Aurora, you have a twin?! : o
1.5) Happy birthday to you and your twin(?)!: D
2) OH CRAP... PLEASE FEEL BETTER SOON. I had pneumonia twice, it was not fun... get a lot of rest, make sure you take your antibiotics/whatever other medicines you're on on time, and take care of yourself. : /

EDIT: Herpderp, I misread that, I thought you said you had pneumonia and he was okay -  anyway, the sentiment still stands, and try not to catch his sick. Dx


Quote from: Aurora Borealis on January 10, 2012, 06:19:58 PM
@Bella: He's my twin, and we've had our share of sibling rivalries, but I felt bad when he got sick. He's still feeling too crappy to celebrate his birthday, and has a hard time sleeping. I hope he'll feel well enough to to go school when classes start again in about a week, or that'll suck even more!

How long did your pneumonia last? And to get that twice? Ouch. :(

Aw, hope he gets better soon, it's always depressing/worrying having a family member be sick even if you're fine. : /

I remember sleeping was rough when I had pneumonia those times ... my memory's a bit fuzzy since it occurred over a decade ago (I think both bouts occurred when I was between 6 - 8 years old), but I'm pretty sure it lasted for about three weeks to a month each time.  :/


Happy birthday Aurora-dono and brother.  Hopefully he won't catch anything else.


Happy birthday, Aurora-san and her brother *salutes*

Fight the sickness; drink more orange juice >:3


@aurora: happy birthday to you and your twin. twins are twice the awesome. ^^
as for his sick, just keep taking whatever meds were prescribed and make sure he's coughing it out, if he can.  when i had pneumonia in 7th grade, it lasted about a month, but that was mainly the buildup (i was misdiagnosed so many times that what was a sinus infection/chest cold thing had time to grow into full-blown pneumonia). after being put on a nebulizer at my (former) doctor's office, i was prescribed an inhaler and was on it for a week. after that i think it was over. :\

so i hath planned out my school schedule for next semester. i'm going to have to sacrifice my tuesdays, and i'll be out of the house for about 16 hours each day, but i got it down to 2 days. -w-
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I can't say I've ever had pneumonia before, so I guess I'm lucky


meh, in my case it was more the doctor's negligence. >>;
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 10, 2012, 09:00:08 PM
when i had pneumonia in 7th grade, it lasted about a month, but that was mainly the buildup (i was misdiagnosed so many times that what was a sinus infection/chest cold thing had time to grow into full-blown pneumonia). after being put on a nebulizer at my (former) doctor's office, i was prescribed an inhaler and was on it for a week. after that i think it was over. :\

Wow, that's crazy... how on earth can a doctor misdiagnose pneumonia? It sounds like you had things worse - or at least needed more medical intervention - than I did. I didn't need to go on any sort of inhaler, just had to take antibiotics as well as (prescription) fever reducer and cough suppressant...