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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Maybe you should call it the "IBM Selective".  It works, when it wants to that is.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Quote from: Red-Machine on January 06, 2012, 03:42:15 PM
Maybe you should call it the "IBM Selective".  It works, when it wants to that is.

I lol'd for real. xD


@Bella: That's still cool that you have one, even if it isn't wanting to work right

In other news, something awesome happened while I was on a journey to pick up food for supper. Somehow, although I ordered and paid for a cheeseburger, they ended up giving me a double cheeseburger on accident. Not that I complained; it was a nice bonus


@pentium: two for the price of one? nice!
@red: lawl. -w-
@bella: if all else fails, you know you saved it from the thrift store.
and it could be one of those things you have just to own, like a bottle of Building 19 champagne or Burger King cologne, or in my case that bottle of liquor my sister bought me. :3

i hung out with my friend melissa today (she goes back to school sunday, so this was the last hurrah), and i taught her how to torrent. feels like i made the world a better place today.

also, i just heard Perfume's "Monochrome Effect" on American Dad. not to sound finicky, but i suddenly love america again. xD
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No, I didn't buy that Selectic... I'm probably not even going to try bargaining with the owner for a lower price like I initially considered, since I want a usable Selectric and it could cost $100s to get it fixed to a point where I can actually write with it.


ahhhh. too bad, but i understand. :\
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@Bella: Too bad. It's about like the time I passed up a Commodore 64 circa '07 or so. I wanted it, but it was so badly trashed that, even for $5, it just didn't seem worth it when it looked like it wouldn't work at all. Sadly, that was the last time I saw one in person


its times like those that i'd buy it anyway, just to ease my mind of it not going to the dump. ><;
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Well, it always boils down to a lack of space for me. If it had looked like it was going to work, I would have taken it, but since it had a cracked case and was missing keys, I didn't want to take the chance and end up with more stuff to eat up what little space I have


Guys, would you help me stop being paranoid about something?

Basically, the time has come for me to send off Kari's, Pentium's and Stew's gifts, and two of these gifts are ORIGINALS of artwork, IE, not a copy but the hand-drawn original (okay, maybe that didn't need explaining). Anyway, I'm terribly protective of original artworks (think mother lion protecting her young protective - I'll bite off the head of anyone who threatens their safety) and thus extremely nervous of sending them by mail (but I have to, since, you know, two out of three of you might as well be on different planets).

So, to all the people here who ship things more than I do -

What's the likelihood of losing something in the mail?

What service do YOU think would best be able to ship these pieces? I'm not sure I can send them FedEx, UPS and USPS could be my only options. Is one service better than the other when it comes to handling fragile/priceless things?


in this situation, i'd use a priority mail envelope with delivery confirmation. i got delivery confirmation (and its international equivalent) for both dolls i shipped and nej's gift, and i will get it again when i ship out the rest of the gifts. :\

it's pretty cheap and effective; the number on the confirmation ticket allows you to track the shipment online through USPS's site. :\

if you're feeling extra paranoid, they offer insurance and such, but i wouldn't be so stressed about it. :\
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What Kari said. I swear by Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation, as it allows me to track it and it arrives very quickly


Priority mail's probably the way to go if you're going to be paranoid about it; that's how my mother sent my insurance card.  For my own mailing, I don't really worry that much.  I put my faith in the United States Postal Service even when no one else will.

And I keep my typewriter in my trunk beside my tent.  For emergencies.


Nanami has been operating at 4.0 GHz for a full day now.


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