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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@firefly: never watched it. dunno if i will, since the mention of it reminds me of my brother's awkward labeling of it as "nerd porn" (he then invited me to watch some with him o__o; ).
@syfy: haven't watched much on that channel, but the alice special from awhile back was niiiiice. (it should have been a clue that the guy i was dating at the time was a scumbag when he said he didn't like that miniseries...)
@bella: i'm pretty sure i didn't mention a specific type. i just said that you probably have something more normal than AB. :\
and why would you be rooting for your own death just to avoid surgery, and not even life threatening surgery at that....? (mine took about an hour, and they weren't removing one, they were removing three.  :\ )
@pentium: my mum was like that too with me commuting to boston, but less freaky about it. after a week, she was cool with it. -w-
@typing style: it's more distinctive on a smaller forum like this. get to a forum the size of gaiaonline or 4chan, and all distinction goes out the window.
that said, i could probably id you guys after reading a few paragraphs.

though sometime i want to see if we can really do that. how about everyone writes a paragraph on a subject and then we try to match up the names? :3

@paranoia: i'm more paranoid on bigger forums, especially when i'm new. as for personal info, unless i've been talking with the person for awhile and i've begun to trust them, i'm not willing to give out more than a first name (and maybe a birthday).

so guize: i just finished uploading a whole mess a' pics to the gallery. ^^ gonna try to do that a few more times before my vacation ends, and gonna search for the most obscure pics i can. >w>
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 04, 2012, 12:04:37 AM
and why would you be rooting for your own death just to avoid surgery, and not even life threatening surgery at that....? (mine took about an hour, and they weren't removing one, they were removing three.  :\ )

Not rooting for my own death; I just have an If i can put this off longer with no physical harm done to myself, the better sort of attitude. For starters, I don't have the thousands of dollars to pay for a surgery like that at the moment (and probably won't for years to come), secondly, I lead a vaguely dangerous life and it's probably going to get worse what with my plans to be an adventurer/photographer so I very well could get killed before it becomes an issue, and thirdly, I'm wagering that there will be some advancements in dental/anesthesia/painkilling technology in the next few decades. -w-

Either that or society will implode in the next few years (taking the field of dentistry with it) and I'll end up dying of a wisdom tooth related infection in a Mad Max-style post-apocalyptic wasteland. (Which is totally something that's always on my mind.)


unless it grows in crooked or crowds the other teeth, there's not much reason to take them out anyway. you just have extra teeth.

and if the we end up in an apocalyptic wasteland, i get the feeling we'll die alot sooner from gangrene or something than our teeth turning tail. xD

EDIT: the theory thread fizzled up and died already? srsly?
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On the theory thread, I still haven't read the 2nd part. I'm sure once I've read it, I'll have more stuff to chime in on

Also, on apocalyptic I get my own Pip-Boy, like in Fallout 3?

EDIT: I have Skype setup on Frankenstein V3. Not even a hint of slowdown; further proving how badass it is for a 13-year-old PC >:3


The theory thread is once again far outside the areas of my expertise, so I'm afraid I have nothing to add, sorry.

Only if you've bought space in your local Vault, like I have (and said Vault isn't one of the fatal ones).


Indeed, I implore you all to please check your vault numbers!  If you drew 8, 13, 21, or 101 - YOU WIN! kinda  Otherwise, um... nice knowing you guys ^^;.
You could always go with a handy dandy old
Pulowski Preservation Shelter, if'n you're not one of those rich folks who can afford to rent space that, quite frankly, you may not even need.  Personal protection, there when you actually need it.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Hm, I drew Vault 77.  I think I'm gonna be fine, I never have exact change anyway.


I wondered if someone was going to walk in that door, I did leave it wide open after all. :p

The Choice of a New Generation.


i had 101 dollars in my wallet earlier. guess that's my vault. :3

@stew: the beauty of the theory thread is that the topics provided don't require much knowledge. :\
@pentium: at least i'll have someone to discuss theory with. :3

so guys. i want to spoil the surprise. i'm trying again to make some OS-tan FLELE shells.

if you're unaware as to what flele is,
here is a short video explanation i made for my teacher.
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My dad and Stew talked on Skype today. For a minute or two. About weather.


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On the contrary, we bonded, like MEN.


@Kari: Epic cat is epic. : o

@Stew: You bonded over discussing how cold it is outside? .w.;


Quote from: Aurora Borealis on January 04, 2012, 09:35:55 PM
@Choco: I remember reading about that cat shortly after her surviving the second attempt. I'm so glad she got adopted, and that she's still healthy despite those two attempts on her life, but am appalled that there are shelters that use gas chambers!! 0_0

Isn't it horrible? I was freaked out for days when I first read about gas euthanasia... : (

Kind of related, I remember hearing a story about a man who had his dog euthanized (for some sort of pain-related condition), he brought the dog's body home and was going to bury it, when the dog suddenly popped up. Apparently the vet didn't give him a high enough dose or whatever - the owner took that as a sign and decided to let his dog live...


that's really sweet. :3

mind you, it's also a little creepy, reminds me of those coffins from the 19th century that had the bells attached.

but this is animals we're talking about, so it's just cute. ^^

(gas chambers should be used on prisoners only, and maybe not even them.)
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