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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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"Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
in days of Old Lang Syne?"
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It's new year for me ^_^

It's totally not weird that I kissed my laptop, I swear


well, you've got your laptop, i've got my plushies, and bella has her boyfriend over the internet. :3
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What's been said already: Happy New Year to all! ^^


Happy new years everyfolks. A brief summary of this year's coming activities for me...


it's gonna be so fucking RAD. <3

Also, fun facts about the northern lands:

Anchorage, the capital of Alaska, is just a tiny bit south of Gävle - about 1½ hour from Stockholm by car. THAT'S how far north I live, lol.
Finnmark, the northernmost county of Norway, is bigger than all of Denmark. I laughed heartily at this. PUNY DANES. :3
Vardö, the eastermost norwegian township, is further east than both St. Petersburg and Istanbul. NORWAY=/= TURKEY? WUTIZTHISIDONTEVEN.
Kiruna, the northernmost city in Sweden, has a midnight sun period that lasts for 1½ months. CAN I FUCKING SURVIVE IT? IDUNNOLOL.


So far, all I know that I'm going to try and do this year is save my money to take an epic journey in the summer to meet Kari.

Anyway, it's now time for me to post the final part of my look back on 2011; looking at the tamer side of the best moments

- Project Tartarus (2k-tan the Desktop)
Back in January, as I soon realized I had 4 months to go until Portal 2 was released, I began looking into finally resurrecting my Dell Dimension 4700; finally ordering the replacement fan to bring it back to life. Unfortunately, the fan had been discontinued, and because Dell used a proprietary plug for their processor fans, TARDIS was dead...but, soon enough, a new desktop would rise from its ashes, much as Frankenstein Classic rose from the ashes of the unnamed desktop that came before it.

Much though went into the design; the original plan was to build it on a budget of $400; reusing a lot of parts I had lying around already, but I was going to settle with a dual-core AMD Phenom II processor, as anything Intel that's decent would have made the build too expensive. But, I eventually decided if I was going to build it with all new components, I was going to go overkill; jumping at a 3.4Ghz Intel Core i7 (Sandy Bridge, of course), a motherboard that has more USB ports than I know what to do with, a BluRay drive, the most powerful AMD graphics card I could get my hands on (Radeon HD 6850), lots of fans, and a power supply more than capable of pushing it all.

Thus, I began to order the parts in February, began to mount everything in March, and by April, just 2 weeks before Portal 2's release, Project Tartarus was complete; now going under the name of 2k-tan the Desktop, as a nod toward one of my favorite OS-tans, but also to the fact it cost a little under $2,000 to build. Although more members have joined the fleet since her creation, 2k is still the queen.

- Finally finishing Tales of Insanity
Back in August 2002, I began writing a little story called "Tales of Insanity", which ended up spending years in development hell, went through two reboots to try and get it going again, and at last in March 2011, was finished. Thus, it holds the record for the story that spent the longest time in development; nearly 10 years, to be exact. It feels good to finally see it finished, after all these years, and now available in it's entirety on my dA page.

- Returning to the OSC after a nearly 2 year absence
There where so many things I could have put here (Getting my GED, the summer saga, etc.), but really, none of those things would have happened if it hadn't been for the one key event that started it all; stumbling back into the OSC, after connection issues tore me away from the site in May '09.

While I admit I could have come back as soon as August '09, I though that the community had likely moved on and forgotten about me during my absence (I had been torn away from another community for a similar period of time back in '05, and when I returned, I simply felt out of place; like nobody cared about me anymore). Thus, I eventually forgot about the site...

...until January 2011, when two key events occurred that triggered my memories of the site. Firstly, when I was hanging out with my bro-in-law, who's name is Brenden, I jokingly called him "Captain Brenden" when he got behind the wheel of the car...then I stopped for a second to remember why that name seemed so familiar, when it hit me like a ton of bricks: CaptBrenden, of the OS-tan Collections; a user whom I have great respect for. Suddenly, memories of the site came flooding back to me, as I now began to wonder if that site still existed.

Sure enough, that was confirmed a few days later, when I found an e-mail in my inbox saying that the forum upgrades where completed. Thus, I began to consider coming back...even if I still felt like the community had moved on. I tested the waters in February, logging into my old account to see if it still existed (Sure enough, it did), and began lurking around to see what has changed; noticing some names I recognize (Nejin being the noteworthy one; I didn't recognize his name right off, but when I read one of his posts, I remembered who he was pretty quickly).

However, I didn't start posting until March, when after a really bad day at work, I just decided to jump right back into the OSC and post again; not even caring to reintroduce myself before I began posting again, starting with a post talking about changes to the fleet. Then, came forum games and other stuff in April...before I finally decided to post in Topicless Thread in early May; which is when everybody finally started getting a chance to know me. From there, it was all good; there where some ups and downs, granted, but it was still great to know that, after a rough time in my life where I felt completely alone, I finally had a group of people who cared about me.

All in all, this was easily the best thing I did in 2011; it being the trigger that lead to me doing things I should have done a long time ago, feeling things I never though I was capable of feeling, and becoming more comfortable discussing things that I previously found awkward to even think of bringing up.

Now, there's a new year ahead of us. Here's hoping it's as awesome as the last one


So guise, I just nabbed the complete Star Trek: Next Generation boxset for £5 off Amazon.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Merry New Year everyone.

The whole thing?  Good work.


Yeah, they're having a Boxing Day week "lightning sale".  50% off and I had quite a few coupon codes from relatives this Christmas, so I only had to put £5 in.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


@pentium: nice picks. :3 osc is less a forum, more a family. ^^ here's to another year together.
@red: nice. -w-
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 01, 2012, 12:16:31 AM
well, you've got your laptop, i've got my plushies, and bella has her boyfriend over the internet. :3

I also kissed both my dogs. : p


I shouldn't read Sociological Images. It's an incredibly interesting blog, but my god, it's making me full of BLOOD-BOILING RAGE and FRUSTRATION to the point of near-tears and/or anxiety attacks. It's also making me more libertarian than I was before. (This kind of Libertarianism, not that fake neoconservative "Libertarianism" that Tea Partiers and "renegade" Republicans like to trot out.)


@bella: perfect!

also, if it's getting you that hyped, maybe you should take a break. :\
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So today I'm spending the afternoon tinkering with the fleet. Typing this from Penti-chan right now, which I just finished setting up.

Nothing like getting online on a PC that is using my namesake processor...