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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Turns out Boston is the drunkest city.

It also so happens that Bostonians throw off THE TASTIEST and most emotionally-nutritious psychological energy I've ever found in a group of people, and lots of it.

Which begs the question: Am I getting a psychic contact-high from the intoxicated Bostonians? Or does their drunkenness just make them emit more energy than the average person? 'w'

(Ofc, I'm rarely around drunk Bostonians [or intoxicated people in general], but I've always assumed I feed more off the collective energy of the city and its residents than particular individuals.)


Quote from: IanDanKilmaster on December 29, 2011, 12:17:51 AM@Red:
Your avatar is from Season of Sakura, right?

Quote from: Pitkin on December 29, 2011, 04:50:15 AMReiko Sawamura, Season of Sakura, yes. Character design inspired heavily from Umi Ryuuzaki of Magic Knight Rayearth. That visual novel took practically all its character designs from the big anime successes of that time: MKR, NGE and Saint Tail.

Indeed.  It's my favourite visual novel that I've played so far and Reiko was my favourite girl in it. :3 I'm surprised anyone knows it, really. xP

Quote from: NejinOniwa on December 29, 2011, 02:32:49 PMSo, I watched Phantom of the Opera yesterday...

I've seen it live at Her Majesty's Theatre twice.  Got fourth row seats the second time.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!

Dr. Kraus

@Red: Really want to see the BBC Proms there, Her Majesty's Theatre is quite nice~


Gonna get the results of my blood tests back tomorrow, who wants to bet what my blood type will be? I'm guessing it's gonna be AB- or some rare shit like that. u_u


My money is on A+, so if you where to lose large quantities of blood somehow, I could donate some ^_^

Dr. Kraus

Ether A+ or O+ due to that being what most people have, I have O- which only 8% of Caucasians average


So tomorrow, I'll post part 1 of my 3-part year-in-review series; starting in /Member Pictures, with a look at what I consider my best pics of the year in addition to a look at my favorite pics posted by other OSCers

Hold out; it begins tomorrow...

4200 posts! Woo!


Quote from: PentiumMMX on December 29, 2011, 09:48:47 PM
My money is on A+, so if you where to lose large quantities of blood somehow, I could donate some ^_^
Aw, thanks dude, that means a lot to me. ;u;

Quote from: Dr. Kraus on December 29, 2011, 10:21:16 PM
Ether A+ or O+ due to that being what most people have, I have O- which only 8% of Caucasians average

Which is precisely why I think I'll have some uncommon type ... or am I just being a blood type hipster? :o

Quote from: PentiumMMX on December 29, 2011, 11:12:37 PM
So tomorrow, I'll post part 1 of my 3-part year-in-review series; starting in /Member Pictures, with a look at what I consider my best pics of the year in addition to a look at my favorite pics posted by other OSCers

Hold out; it begins tomorrow...

4200 posts! Woo!

Hooray, I look forward to it. ^^ And might do something similar myself...



@kraus: a fello O- ! universal donor, fuck yeah! *brofist*
@bella: you're being a paranoid blood hipster. of course, one of my friends has her family, who's nothing BUT AB+, except her, who's also O- i believe....nature's weird like that. :\

that said, maybe you will have rare blood and maybe you won't. either way, feel free to have some blood if you need it. i'm not using it. :3

@pitkin: heh, that's why the character seemed familiar. i have a set of MKR figurine keychains on my backpack. :3
also, i want pics of you in a dress. you probably looked very nice. :3
@nej: nice! and your gift is going in the mail tomorrow, cause the post office in salem was stupid today and wanted to charge us 50 or so bucks vs charging us about 20 for shipping because of less than a pound of weight that wasn't even coming from your gift, it was coming from the box. so my mum's going to go to the windham post office tomorrow since they don't sweat the details as much. :\

so guys, sometimes humanity's an alright thing. the guy at the antique store held on to my ipod when i lost it. she's resting comfortably plugged into my computer. :3

(to celebrate,
this is my cell phone's ringtone now, since it's all charged and has more minutes. :3 when i saw the full version was out, i quickly snapped it up.
got a couple other new ringtones, too ^^)
click to make it bigger


Quote from: Red-Machine on December 29, 2011, 04:29:14 PM
Indeed.  It's my favourite visual novel that I've played so far and Reiko was my favourite girl in it. :3 I'm surprised anyone knows it, really. xP

I've played it a couple of times.  It's especially impressive considering it's a DOS game (don't get me wrong, played lots of fun DOS games, just wasn't expecting a good VN to be DOS).  It's not my favorite VN, but definitely one of my top VNs.

The Choice of a New Generation.


I've played quite a few over the years.  Curently going through the Windows re-release, but I honestly prefer the DOS versions.  The MIDI tunes just seem beter somehow and they replaced every instance of the word "girl" with "woman" which makes for some pretty dumb wording.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Not to mention some of the translations already sound pretty silly.  I happen to prefer the DOS version for the sake of audio as well.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Yes, referring to someone as a woman and then having her vociferously state that she's a woman now kinda spoils it.  That and they changed Risa's age to comply with child porn laws, which is acceptable, but that doesn't men they have to change "girl" to "woman", that's just annoying...
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


@Kari: Yay! Return of the king Gothpod!

So, just one more day or work to get through until I can get to the weekend ^_^
Then, it's party time~