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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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If you ever need more members and such I can post links from this site to other people, I know alot of people who make sigs and banners and such, and would enjoy the os-tan girl sig making...thingie...

And my random thought of the day:
Naval battle ships should have tanks with rockets. And these tanks would launch off the ramps onto other enemy ships and destroy them. Think about it, how many battleships have tank protection?? Of course we'd need some planes or stuff to carry the tank back...but carrying the tank to the enemy battle ship isn't as fun as launching them to.


if youve got a ship that can carry a tank.. why dont you put guns on the ship and use instead?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Plus we're living in an era of pretty-damn powerful ASMs, so that kinda puts a damper on the whole thing.  -v-'

On the other hand, put a tank with rockets on an LTAV and now we're cookin' with FIYA!!  Shove that bad boy right over the enemy's rooftop, why dontcha?!!!  ^V^

(Course... then you'd have to figure out how to make the LTAV survive being shot at....  Ã,¬__Ã,¬')

C-Chan added the following  1 minute after last message :

Fufufufu.... "Yinz"....  ^-^


fun with acronyms! BAMCIS! SMEAC! SALUTE! ADRAC!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Sweet Holy Mother of CRAP, you're right!  ;^0^;


Oh no, I have inadvertently summoned the Wrath of the Panda with all that slang!  X__X
Oh dear gawds, I'm FUBB....  -___-'

*gasps* GAH!!!!  I DID IT AGAIN!!!  @o@

*cowers behind Captain*

*cries*  UWAAAAAAAA~!!!!  Save me, Captain!!!  ;^0^;


yes, I will save you for a good muffin with cheese and egg.  mmmm mmm :9
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Stop making me hungry! GAH!


*sniff sniff*  [crying] YOU PEOPLE ARE SO MEAN TO ME!!  >_<


*runs back to OS-tan threads*



And that idea of rushing battleships with tanks...not a good idea, as they'd need to get too close to the ship, and today's and future battles are and will be fight with long range missiles.

Quoteif youve got a ship that can carry a tank.. why dont you put guns on the ship and use instead?
none of them are good ideas in today's battlefields. Unfortunately, the good 'ol days of the big guns battleships are just history. Missiles have longer ranges and are way more effective.
Still, Battleships are so beautiful, sniff...;_;


*runs back in again*

No way, blimps I SAY! Blimps are better!  ^0^

*shakes hoof* [dramatically]  Oh, how I YEARN for a return of the age of the airship!    ;^-^;


But anyway, enough about that.  -v-

So like,............... Mr. Darknight......
How goes thy handling of Inkscape?  ^__^

*realizes he's back in Topicless Thread*

Oh right!  The Panda and the Carnivorous Captain!  @o@

*runs away again*


well...I did the Inked version with Photoshop, Inkscape ralentizes my computer =/. Too much RAM consumed, poor Homeko...
I'll post the Inked version in the "official" thread.

airships...did someone said Hindemburg? :D
Still using helium, they're too vulnerable (huge target in the sky its HUGE )


*sneaks back in*

Oh, poppycrop!  ^0^
The solution to that is simple: just get rid of all the weapons that can possibly blow them up and blimps can fill the skies again a la "Laputa"!  ^0^
Dontcha feel like making the world safe for our friend, the dirigible?  `v'

I'm still shocked Inkscape swamped your system, but then it is still primarily a Linux program.  Probably not entirely optimized for Windows yet.  -v-

Oh well,... 500 points for trying.  ^.^

*skimpers back to OS-tan threads*


I'm sorry I'm a bit pissed.
I just got a $150 ticket.


$150 ticket for what? If we can get to know...:)
