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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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2k-tan the Desktop actually doesn't run Windows 2000 natively. She runs Windows 7 and Fedora 16 natively, with Windows 2000 setup in Virtualbox (Along with NT 4.0, XP, and Vista)

The name had a double meaning, really; not just of one of my favorite OS-tans, but also the fact it cost just a little under $2,000 to build


I was curious about that, I considered that it was most likely a name, but for some reason, I immediately jumped to another conclusion xD.

Still, I like the double significance, that's pretty cool.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Honestly ive got some 300 hours in skytim, and the only glitches ive run into is entering my house and my furniture dissapears, and one glitch in a quest where this guy keeps trying to "teach me a lesson" after the quest is done and it breaks the game if i try to fight him, or run. i have to avoid him completely, but nothing game breaking yet.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


*walks into giant wall of gaming talk*

*wonders how she ended up in the Gaming thread*

*realizes this is /Topicless*



@Bella: Sorry about that ^_^;;;

Well, to change subjects, I'm working on that Christmas story I had talked about writing. I expect to have it ready soon enough to post on my dA and in Scrap Paper next weekend ^_^


Nothing truly game-breaking on my end yet, either, but as my file size gets larger, I find the length of time before the game stutters or freezes gets shorter and shorter.  In other words, it's only a matter of time before it happens to me.  It's unlikely you'll notice anything Cap'n, since you're playing on 360, and no one playing on there has had any serious framerate issues yet.  As I mentioned earlier, it's a problem most prominent on the PS3, due to the lower RAM (256MB-PS3 vs 512MB-360).

That all aside, I haven't taken the time to properly welcome you back.  Great to see you posting again, and I'm happy to read that you're doing well.  The forum is starting to feel more like when I first joined xD.

C'mon, it's not like Topicless hasn't been overrun with other topics before.  I mean, there have been at least one or two days where I had to tunnel through a couple pages worth of pony talk before finding an actual discussion xD.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Three things:

1) So, there's this new show on TLC (aka That Channel About Freaks and Normal People who are Treated Like Freaks) called "Geek Love". As a geek who's in love with and dating another geek, I AM OFFEND. 'W'

2) I'm drinking eggnog that tastes like LIQUEFIED SUGAR COOKIES. Not sure if I want.

3) My avatar is now Derpy Hooves cosplaying as Thom Yorke.


@Bella, on that show on TLC: *facedesk* *facedesk* *facedesk*

That's really all I can manage to say on that.


Quote from: Bella on December 18, 2011, 07:01:29 PM
*walks into giant wall of gaming talk*

*wonders how she ended up in the Gaming thread*

*realizes this is /Topicless*


Such language :p

Topicless thread isnt really topicless. it would be bloody confusing if it was. There are topics, but your not limited to what you want to talk about. The thread is named as thus because "The thread you talk in when there is no thread to talk about what you want to talk about but doesnt warrant its own thread thread" was too long.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


So guise.  Kim Jong-Il is dead.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Its not something I will loose any sleep over.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


That actually hit me harder than the death of Osama Bin Laden.  Kim may have been a ruthless dictator, but at least he was a known quantity.  We know nothing about Jong-Un.  He could be planning WWIII for all we know...
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Are you aware of just how little we knew about Jong-il?  Just about every personal detail we knew about his background was fabricated, most likely by his father before him.  He was quite possibly the most unpredictable world leader to date.  I have a feeling his son will be no different.

That being said, I don't expect much.  A few more nuclear weapons tests here and there, but it's unlikely he'll do anything that could potentially incur the wrath of other nuclear-equipped nations.  It's also wise to remember that there's no such thing as safety for any nation, and it's the false notion safety that led to legislation like the PATRIOT ACT, the AUMF, and the controversial amendments to the currently pending NDAAFY2012.  I can't speak for how such notions affected the U.K., though.

The Choice of a New Generation.


So I guess Kim Jong finally found himself a little bit too...

...ILL to keep going?


...Go sit in the corner.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!