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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@Bella: I agree. My sister had been in similar situations before, and it always pissed me off

Well, on a lighter note, with Windows 7 setup, I'm now over on Fedora 16; getting it setup with all the usual stuff (Skype, Virtualbox, etc.)



so i just found out this whole weekend was a GIANT misunderstanding. he's not marrying her. the friend who told me about marrage was referring to herself, only she used the word "subhuman" as a personal pronoun (god knows why), so i took it to mean him.

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Even if he's not marrying her....... he's still dating a chick twice his age. .____.;

Aftermath of getting my blood taken - I laid around in bed all day being dizzy and shit yesterday, got to bed at 11PM because I was too tired, had an entire night of bizarre fever dreams, and STILL GOT UP LATE (10am). God help me if I ever have any serious medical procedures done...


Damn... has it really been over a month since I last posted?  Gaaaah... Skyrim >,<.  I'm still a little surprised at how much has been posted since I took my little vacation in the glitched-as-hell Tamriel.  Good to see we got some business again :D.

I don't even know where to start commenting, so I suppose I'll wait until I can glean some more information from upcoming posters.

Um... my blood type is A-.

The Choice of a New Generation.


lol. everyone gets A's for their blood. i get an O. guess that means i failed the test. xD
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@Dan: I was wondering where you went

@Kari: xD Nice

Well, everything is in order for when I have the house to myself this Thursday. I'm ready to party >:3


Zero point zero.

At least my bloodtype is slightly more uncommon thanks to being Rh-.

Thank you :3.  I think I'm done with Skyrim for a bit, at least until they fix the serious gamebreakers >,<.

The Choice of a New Generation.


That's why I usually wait a few years before diving into a game from Bethesda; to give them time to work the bugs out


Same here, but it's really hard when have to watch someone having so much fun with it xD.

If you recall, I did tell her that it was probably not a good idea to get the game just yet.  Well now that she has it, the temptation is right there >,<.  I didn't think I'd like it so much, but after seeing everything there is to do in the game... wow.  A shame it had to be a typically-bugged Beth game, the save file issue is particularly troubling.

The Choice of a New Generation.


my sister plays it alot. it looks pretty good.

so you can't save? gonna go through the entire game in one sitting? :\
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No, that's not it, it's the file size creep that has plagued Bethesda games since Morrowind.

It wasn't much of a problem in Morrowind (not unless you played for a long, long, long, long time and were a serious klepto), but became more and more of an issue in subsequent Gamebryo-based Bethesda games (Oblivion, FO3, and New Vegas).  Before Skyrim, the problem was at its worst in New Vegas, when long-time players and players who got the add-ons started noticing severe framerate and freezing issues.  In those earlier cases, it was never really dealt with because a majority of players never even encountered it.  Now, in Skyrim, the file size creep has become a full-blown file size JUMP, especially if you own and use property and explore often.  It's really a problem on every platform, but it's most noticeable on the PS3, where it causes framerate and crashing issues rather quickly (because the PS3 has half the usable RAM the 360 does, and PCs are nigh immune to RAM issues thanks to upgrading).

The Choice of a New Generation.


I hope I don't run into that when playing Fallout 3 or Oblivion, although I'm on a PC

Maybe there's a fan-made mod to fix that, if it becomes an issue...


With the PC it's hardly an issue, any problem it causes for you can likely be fixed with a fan mod or using the console.

Granted, it'd be great if Bethesda finally narrowed down what in the Gamebryo/Creation engine causes this and fixed it, that way there would be no need for little bandages here and there.  As it stands now, the best guess of most Skyrim players is that it has to do with how often cells respawn in-game.  Unlike Morrowind or even Oblivion before it, things take forever to despawn in Skyrim.  Dead bodies and random items left in the world stay there for several in-game days, as opposed to the 3-day spawn limit in Oblivion.  It sounds great on paper, but when you consider all of the other things the game has to keep up with (especially if you're one of the players who picked up "interior decorating" as an unmarked skill), it adds up... and up... and up.

Anyway, as an Oblivion and Fallout 3 player, especially on the PC, you're unlikely to really be weighed-down by any of these issues.  Even if you do, there are likely fan-made solutions available to you (for example, Skyrim players on the PC have already figured out how to address the file size/respawn issue from the console).  In fact, the only thing I think you'll even notice are the ash/goo piles in FO3 if you ever use energy weapons (most ash/goo piles refuse to despawn, without a little help from the console, of course).

The Choice of a New Generation.


All right, I'll keep that in mind.

Which, I'm now reinstalling my Steam games on 2k; starting with Portal 2


Cool, I'm actually surprised there are new games that'll run on that great old OS.  2k-tan was always good for gaming ^^.

The Choice of a New Generation.