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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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My coping strategy for long textbooks involves skimming over most of it and then bullshitting like hell.

Happy birthday Zen. ^^


Happy b-day, Zen :D Party hard!

lots of tests coming up this week: biology + chemistry tomorrow (scared like hell of chemistry), philosophy on wednesday and CS on thursday X.X


I hate chemistry too, and was terrible at it. >< Enough so that I'd avoid a major if it includes any sort of required chemistry classes... >>;


Birthdays? Happy late one Nejin, and hum, happy ongoing one Zen, if it's really your birthday! :)

*sigh* I've been ill for like half of the past two weeks and it's not getting any better so far. Talking is hard if not outright impossible and head's swimming enough to make focusing on anything difficult. ;_;

I liked the little chemistry I studied back in time before university, but biology was for a long time the hardest subject for me at primary school - don't know why, but it got a bit better eventually.



Also bday's Zen, have some happies. ^^
Btw, I think my sister is in the general direction of your location. She's in Kuala Lumpur right now, and enjoying the bloody heat somehow.


@genpop: we were required to take a lab science in high school. most people assumed that the only one was chemistry. thus, the majority of the populace took chemistry without realizing there was an alternative. i took astronomy, and passed with flying colours. :3 (the teacher even went so far as to call my powerpoint assignments "works of art". ^^)
that said, i'd like to study chemistry less for a grade and more as a hobby. :3

@pitkin: i'm sorry to hear you're sick ;^; i think i might be getting sick again, which sucks worse since i just recovered from my last episode of sick.
that said, make sure to get lots of fluids, rest, soup, tea, and cough drops. :[
@bella: it's hard to BS the topic when you know little to nothing about it, AND when that topic involves copius amounts of art and their various details.

that said, the chapter was worth reading. i spent a good chunk of the car ride home today discussing philosophy. :\ i also found out that if i ever switch religions, Amida or Zen Buddhism would be a great choice.
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That's awesome that your school offered an astronomy class. :o

If I ever change religion... I'll probably go from agnostic-who-believes-in-a-god-but-doesn't-let-her-beliefs-shape-her-behavior to ... damn it, that's the best religion I've found for myself, I'm probably not gonna change it. .v.;


Amida and Zen are extremely easy to practice. no complicated rituals, no long hours of chanting or praying. you don't even need to really visit a temple if you already know what to do.

on another topic. i'm beginning to feel alienated here again.
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I always liked Chemistry in high school, though astronomy was my favorite science by far.  I just wish I was able to grasp concepts in the scientific and mathematical fields better.


Quote from: stewartsage on October 17, 2011, 07:55:05 PMI just wish I was able to grasp concepts in the scientific and mathematical fields better.

Me too.  ;___; If I could study anything in the world, it'd be mathematics but that won't happen for a variety of reasons, which is frustrating, since it's probably the most fundamental and simple BS major, every school on earth has a mathematics program and I wouldn't have to angst about finding a school that has something I want to study. >:/

Chocofreak13 nothing comes without practice. :\

my grandpa used to tutor me after school on my times tables. i always had trouble with those.

now, i can pretty much do them from memory. ^^
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Thanks guys 8D

it was my birthday 8D

@pitkin Hope you get well soon!

@paul. Good luck with those exams D8

@nejin. oh cool. what's she doing in Malaysia?

@Choco. They don't really tell you this but zen buddhism IS ME D8. Kidding X3 And why do you feel alienated? D8

As for me I've never really studied seriously at school ever D8 Ok I do study from time to time but usually just reading through things. Most of what I actually know came from listening in lectures and not from studying with books and notes. Survived that way from elementary to college DX

I'm terrible with memorizing so whenever we had to memorize i'd be dead. Even math formulas are hard for me to memorize. Back in highschool whenever we'd have exams I'd pretty much start from the basic formulas and build the more complex formulas from them manually. Specially during the theory stuff D8
My my, aren't you lovely~


I'm tired...

It was a really long day for me. It got off to a nice start (Talked with Pit on Skype, while gathering some pictures Choco asked me for last night)...until my bro-in-law called me at about 11; demanding I drop what I'm doing since the van they're borrowing from dad is in the repair shop (They busted the steering system on it. Yay), drive up to my sister's work, and take him home. Well, that's what I though I was doing, but it turns out my dad arranged for bro-in-law to commandeer my truck while the van is being worked on. Yay.

I did at least get lunch out of the deal, and the truck was waiting for me when I got off work, but I still found it frustrating that I was interrupted during the calm before the storm that is Monday at work.


I sucked so much at my times tables back at first school the teachers asked me if I wanted to stop. xP
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


@choco, you're in the repeating sickness loop too? Not fun. ;_; Hope you didn't get sick at the end!

My parents made absolutely sure I couldn't suck with the times tables, they were repeated so many times that it'd probably be easier to forget the capital of Finland than eight times seven. x)