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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Pentium just told me that Steve Jobs died.... jesus christ, I'm so torn up about this, it's like hearing that a relative has died.


@bella: sorry that your dear leader has died. :\
@pentium: if it gets the job done, who cares if it's flashy.
@genpop: i heat steak because it's tough to chew and bland as hell. this was neither. :3

sadly, i couldn't meet the deadline for my anime. so i'll have to catch up online. :\

i'm also considering skipping school tomorrow, because my ride situation is so shaky. :\
click to make it bigger


The first thing I could think about Jobs...

"Applejack is gonna be sad, she just lost a family member."


@Choco, on Steve Jobs: That was in very poor taste. He had strong influence on the entire computer industry during his time; some of the things he did even had influence on the developers of Windows (For instance, you wouldn't have filenames longer than 8 characters on PC if it wasn't for Mac doing it first; leading to pressure on Microsoft to do the same)


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on October 05, 2011, 10:47:52 PM
@bella: sorry that your dear leader has died. :\

Leader.... like what kind of "leader"? spiritual, philosophical, political, ideological? Because I really can't say I have any such "leaders", though President Obama might be my leader-by-default as an American citizen. No, my grief over the passing of Steve Jobs is not the kind that a person feels when their "leader" has died; it's something more than that, the grief that a person feels when they know somebody who's very important and who has made amazing contributions of society - not just technology, but the culture as a whole - has passed away.

Whether you want to admit it or not, Steve Jobs impacted your life, my life, and the lives of anyone who's used a piece of modern technology in the past 25 years or so, not just Mac users. So put aside your biases and your bigotries and have some respect.


Yes, broya, he was a paragon of the computer culture as a whole, from the start of his career to the very end.

It's been very much expected, however. His condition wasn't the kind you'd expect a man to recover from.


As a general note: I would appreciate it greatly if - when someone who a lot of people seem to care about has died - one would refrain from making comments that could be interpreted as dancing on the grave or as simply "who cares?" Everyone is free to think whatever they want about the said people, but if the deceased hasn't hurt anyone, they would deserve some respect at least in the days following their death.


Sorry for disappearing on everyone last night, I was locked out of my room for seven hours and slept on a couch in the dorm lounge.  Housekeeper woke me up and let me use her phone to call security to unlock my door.  Coooooollege



I can't say I'm as deeply affected regarding the passing of Jobs as most people seem to be.  That's no disrespect to his contributions either, I simply don't feel very... moved.  I suppose what grief I did feel I had worked my way through following his last reclusion (it had appeared he knew his time was coming, so to speak).  That having been said, there is no denying the man is responsible for much of how we live our lives today, and his impact will live on for as long as we continue to technologically evolve.  Everyone who uses a modern PC, a smartphone, enjoys a Pixar movie (and arguably animated Dreamworks features since they followed Pixar's trend), or played a game of Breakout (or Arkanoid and similar clones) should be grateful that a man named Steve Jobs was ever alive to help bring such pleasures to their lives.  Every techie (or geek or nerd, whatever your preferred term is) should be especially grateful to him for helping to get the door open that created our niche in "mainstream society".  He may not be as messianic as so many make him out to be, but dammit, he's still a man who is worthy of their respect and admiration.  'Nuff said.

As far as what Choco said, I quite honestly don't believe she was intentionally trying to be callous or insensitive.  I just think what she said is something that can very easily be misread.  We all know she's not a big Apple fan (hell, when it comes to recent technology, I'm not), but I really don't think she would deliberately say something about the recently deceased in order to offend.  It seems to me she may have very well thought she was being compassionate (albeit in a very off-hand and dispassionate way).

About steaks - I do not like them.  I have very many reasons not to, least among them is that every carnivore I'm around seems to want them ALL THE ARSING TIME, but mostly because no one I know seems to know the "right" way to do it.  Really though, now that I think about it, it's the fact that I've had so goddamn many that I even care how they're cooked.  I mean, anytime I've had them, they're either tough as old leather and salty as fucking ocean water or soft as oatmeal and as bloody as a slasher flick.  What is so difficult about cooking a well-done steak that couldn't also be worn on your foot?  Anyway, I'm burned out on steak.  If I really need some red meat (which I don't very often), I'll have it in some broth as a stew or in between two buns as a nice, juicy burger.

nvm the second paragraph... just read a post in another thread >.> /facepalm

The Choice of a New Generation.


Dammit Stewart, I thought you... passed out or something. This is way worse. :<

Quote from: IDKAs far as what Choco said, I quite honestly don't believe she was intentionally trying to be callous or insensitive.

Eh, her comment here didn't strike me as callous, it sounded condescending. Her comment about Jobs' passing on Facebook, now THAT was callous-sounding. I'm not sure that she would make that mistake twice if it wasn't intentional.


Well, the edit I added at the very end was addressing the point that she was apparently intentionally smarmy.  I could've removed that paragraph altogether or made other edits (such as being more specific than smartphones), but it just didn't seem right to do that.  In any case, after reading her post in the obit thread for Jobs, I agree that's it's unlikely that any ill-meaning was unintentional.  This is why if I'm generally uninterested in a topic that people tend to be very sensitive about, I let it set for awhile until people are talking about or are ready to talk about something else, and avoid posting on said topic altogether.  It's probably for the best that this is the last that's posted about it, though.  Any further going on about it may only serve to raise more ire, or get an argument going that's only going to end badly.

Who else here likes words?  I like words.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Agreed, Dan

Well, my new phone is quite good. It feels like a hybrid of my first two phones, with a few features of the 3rd one; resulting in what may be the best phone I've owned to date. I should have bought this one to begin with



Good for you, Pent.  I typically find with any phone I own that I prefer to stick to simple things... well, mostly simple.  Even I have found it hard to deny the allure of the custom ringtone, and being able to upload said ringtone from my computer (or another bluetooth-capable phone) to my phone rather than pay 1/2$ for 30/60 secs of a song or piece of audio I already own is extra nice.  Aside from that, all I really care about is whether it's a clamshell or not.  I never really liked slide phones or touchscreens because of durability issues and expense, there's also the fact that they, like standard bar phones, have a nasty habit of unlocking when you least want them to and accidentally dialing.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Aside from flip-phones \ clamshell phones, bars are nice (My first one was one of these, and it was built like a tank), but you really need a good case to carry them in to keep from "butt-dialing". Never cared much for sliders, and touchscreens are overrated (They're neat, but I like having buttons).

Expect me to take some pictures of this phone and post them eventually, along with the first cell phone I had (Which I recently stumbled onto).


I'm so tired right now that my face is starting to slip into ahegao.