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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Hehey, new forum. ^_^

*cough* Being of the easily embarrassed type, one could perhaps guess my reaction when I learnt of what that enema thing was all about... ah haha. ^^;

Hiya ho, L33t 4g3nt; been pretty busy myself as well with different English assignments... Business Plan, Meetings and Socialization, courses like that. Been pretty fun, though. Work hard for those college apps, aye? You can relax more when you've already got in. ^_^

edit: 64 posts, it's time to pay a tribute to Commodore 64 ^_^

edit2: ok, that was the last time I play with colours. ^^;


That make me think, don't forget to edit your signatures, older forum used html and for security reasons i've disabled html here :)

If you don't know how to do, just replace < > by [ ], it'll work most of the time ;)


Testing quickreply and some smileys...

;025  ;080  ;046 ;shino;

L33t 4g3nt ones...

where'd you get that shinobu one? it's not under anime...


There are some hidden smileys on the board... find them out  ;010

I plan to make something for users to make their own category too on my boards, but i've no time at the moment ;)



I'll have to Pass the Emotes I have along to you some time Darklord so you can add them.  I got some good ones


;019  Wake up guys & gals, the site won't live if you don't make it live  ;hi  ... and i cannot do that alone  ;022


I post when there is stuff to answer, and occasionally Attempt tp Drum up the dead


*theatrically loud sigh*

Meh... what a crappy week this is going to be again... more and more of English assignments about meetings/socializing and spa enterprise marketing research, microeconomics problems, emails... not to mention my favourite ice-hockey team will play two home matches this week (I'll go see both of them, of course) with the most important players having been injured... and to add further pain into this, I swore a sacred oath not to sign in to Messenger, to keep me focused...

Sigh... and I only see this one nice person two times a week, next time being on Friday... v_v

Oh well, at least I'm still alive. Even though I accidentally bought wrong cookies yesterday, and they taste dreadful in their cappuccinoness. -_-

Today's the official Complain About Everything Day, yup. *looks out of the window*


well, I just got high speed internet on sat.


Test to see if Page 11 is Bugged or not


QuoteQuote from : DrizzCat

Test to see if Page 11 is Bugged or not

It's always a risk, we'd sure better be convinced it's bugfree  :lol:



QuoteQuote from : panda

What does "LOL" mean?

LOL (Internet slang)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

LOL (also spelled lol) is an acronym, the abbreviation for "laughing out loud" or less commonly "lots of laughs" or the backronym "lots of love". LOL is a common element of Internet slang used historically on Usenet and in bulletin board systems; and continuing to the present day in nearly all Internet and wireless venues (e.g IRC and instant messaging). It is used for expressing general amusement, or wide variety of subtle emotions depending on subcultural context. As well as being a state of action, some use the word as a verb, such as "I'm going to lol." Many similar acronyms for expressing laughter exist.

Many people are critical of "LOL" and its related acronyms and there is widespread controversy over their use.

Siren criticises the overuse of "LOL", stating that he has "seen people type 'LOL' after every sentence" and thus finds it hard to believe "that people are actually laughing out loud every single time they type this". FangedFriend criticizes "LOL" on the grounds that whilst the concept of laughing out loud existed prior to the existence of the acronym, the existence of the acronym decreases the quality of the English language, with its "insidious habit of sneaking into peopleââ,¬â,,¢s homework, notes, and other daily thoughts in general". Brad observes that people "say 'lol' for no reason at all" and asserts that the word has been "used so much in common nternet slang that we have been desensitized to its meaning." Lacetti, professor of humanities at Stevens Institute of Technology, and Molsk predict reduced chances of employment for students who use such acronyms, stating that "Unfortunately for these students, their bosses will not be 'lol' when they read a report that lacks proper punctuation and grammar, has numerous misspellings, various made-up words, and silly acronyms." Selinger, discussing meeting people over the Internet, states that she has "already made it clear to friends and family that I will never date anyone who writes 'sup' or 'lol' [...] to me in an e-mail."

Twitchell, on the other hand, defends these acronyms as having "become a standard part of nternet conversations,and you're just going to have to get used to it".

The widespread use of the term has sprung many variations such as pseudo-pluralizations (e.g. lols and lolz), repetitions (e.g. lololol, loooool, and any number of other repetitious variants), and puns (e.g. lollerskates, lolgasm, lollercoaster). Sometimes the Os are replaced with alternating or random zeroes (e.g. lo0o0ol).

Despite it being an English acronym, it is often used by non-English speakers as-is, even in other scripts (eg. Arabic: لول).

Variants and translations in widespread use

   * El oh el - pseudo-pronunciation.
   * lal or lawl ââ,¬â€ "la(w)l" can refer to either a way in which someone words the phrase of lol, or the German translation (Although most german speakers use 'lol')
   * Lol (lollig) is a Dutch word, meaning fun (funny).
   * Mdr is the equivalent in French : Mort De Rire
   * ï½â€" ââ,¬â€ used commonly in 2channel
   * LMAO stands for "Laughing My Ass Off" and has several variations itself:
         o LMFAO - The F can stand for Fat or for Fucking.
         o ROFL/ROTFL - Rolling On the Floor, Laughing. Roffle is now also a widely used variation of the original word.
         o and of course, in any permutation such as: ROFLMAO
