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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@bella: *hug* we both have stressful things going on tomorrow. but i'm sure you'll be fine. just remember: don't believe in yourself. believe in me, who believes in you.

@pentium: kickass! let us know how it goes, and your good news relates to my good news. :3
also, love the new avi. ^^

so tomorrow i start school, and i'm feeling less stressed now that everything's set up. i had to scrap this week's lunch schedule since i don't have the ingredients, but my mum made sauce, so at least i have something.

also, as for the good news i mentioned: remember that sailor moon bento i was stalking a couple weeks ago? well, the seller contacted my mum (since we used her account), and it turns out that the lid is cracked. since they have a policy of not shipping damaged items, they're not sending it.
wondering why this is good news? well, to make up for it, the seller is sending me a different (newer) one with not only the inner senshi (which were on the one i was bidding on), but also have uranus, neptune and chibiusa. <3333 i'm psyched, since it will not only match the bag better, and i saw the same one after i had won the auction and was uber jealous, but because they bumped up the shipping, meaning it'll be here in 7-10 days instead of 2-3 weeks. <333333

makes the misery i was in earlier dissapear. ^^
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Yay Kari!

I can understand your feelings, Bells.  But you'll be in your new house soon, so just hang in there!

A bit random, but my mum has started watching Chris Hansen in the mornings...
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@Choco: That sucks with the first bento box, but hey; at least they're giving you a much cooler replacement *brofist*

With Disgaea 4, I played some last night...and, because I got careless in the tutorial, I ended up getting my entire party killed. That's the first time that's happened to me, but as it should turn out, there's an achievement for getting your first Game Over screen.

Also, I saw something at work yesterday that made me think of Nejin: sitting on the coffee table in the waiting area in front of the elevators was a My Little Pony coloring book, with Pinkie Pie front and center on the cover. Now, if I had seen someone holding that while wearing a labcoat...




today's classes went lovely~~~

turns out that i have a bunch of friends in my second class, i'm making fast friends in my first, both classes sound fun, and both teachers seem so flexible!! my digital teacher doesn't even care what programs i use so long as the work gets done!! ;v;

my mum picked me up late today, but in retrospect i don't really care. i also FINALLY bought a networking cable for my computer, so i'm going to work on setting up my computers together tomorrow. ^^

@pentium: that's cool. -w-
and who knew you could still win if you die. that's kinda cool. :\
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I hope things improve for you soon.  I don't really know what to say, but my heart goes out to you.

I'm happy classes seem to be going so well for you.  First impressions are generally a good indicator of how things will continue for the rest of the year.

A few notes on the pages I missed:
My sleep schedule has never been very regular, but it's in a nigh-constant state of flux since moving in with gf.  Lately, the schedule has somewhat normalized, but that's always subject to change.  Note to Bella:  You can possibly avoid having your sleep schedule change very drastically at college, but it's mostly dependent on what time the courses you'll be taking are.  That's why it's generally a good idea to get your schedule for each semester set up as soon as possible (I mean, as in within the time scheduling is actually available, which is usually just before exams), so you have the best chances of picking your courses, instead of settling for what's left.  I found it quite difficult to maintain a decent schedule, though, even without the partying (I went to two actual parties in my entire college career) simply because I fail at time management.  I think you'll do fine though.

Let's see, I think I've mentioned my naturally simian flexibility in this forum before.  I've only ever shaved my legs once, and that one time and the resulting ursine fur growth that followed taught me to never do it again (srsly, I only shaved one part of my leg, then my legs are both covered in horrible manbear fur, wtf?).  I think a gypsy might have cursed me - sometimes I wished my name was Simon >.>.

I still use earbuds even though they can sometimes be uncomfortable.  I prefer the over-the-ear type that Pent mentioned, provided they actually fit right (for some reason, certain brands really fail with the design... like they were designed for feyfolk or some other mystical creature with oddly-shaped ears).

The Choice of a New Generation.


i found out today that the skullcandys i've been buying in the past few years are inferior compared to the original product. they sold out a few years back and the new ones are crap quality compared to the originals. for all this time i thought it was me. :\

also, i love the name simon. and if it's that bad, ever considered waxing? xDDD
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Oh yeah... I forgot to mention what total shit the Skullcandy brand has become... you're better off with some JVC Gummies with skulls painted on them >.>.  I have to admit, I never really bought into the hype of that brand, but I was always curious - then I stayed with my brother (who is an old-school audiophile).  He basically said that the pair he had was crap because they started using inferior materials.

Anyway, I have thought of waxing, but it just seems like too much expense simply to cause myself pain... and burns.  My girl likes me the way I am, though, so I don't really care though.  I have a hard enough time keeping up with my facial shaving routine :/.

The Choice of a New Generation.


that's good.

and thanks for the advice, idk what i'll do at this point. i always liked the look of SC, but there's no point in buying something solely for looks. :\
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I've had good luck with Sony, RCA, and Koss, so consider looking into one of those brands


i wanna see if i can capture the same shape as SC while having better materials.
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Koss Koss Koss Koss Koss Koss Koss Koss


Koss headphones: Kid tested, demon overlord approved
I had to say that...


Never really bought into the hype about headphones, to be honest it's so far down my priority list (after a working computer and music devices) that for most of my like I just use whatever happens to be on hand at the time.  Usually low grade Sony or RCA products.  Take a beating though.


An article about my great aunt:

She earned herself a hashtag on Twitter for her exploits.
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