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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Not wanting to go to sleep can also be fun too, which was what last Thursday night was like for me


i haven't felt like that in awhile, lol. maybe it's cause things are picking up. :3
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A british friend of mine, on the subject of bridge childrens' card games.
QuoteBeing the only human in the entire city not sporting some form of I Heart Bridge t-shirt, I felt a little out of place wandering among the loitering crowds, who were discussing whether to pass on a 3NT deep finesse bid when a 2 heart opener has been declared by the unbalanced double dummy. Bridge terms do tend to sound a lot more exciting than they actually are, and after many years of exposure to the game, I'm fairly sure some minor tweaks could make it the finest sport in existence. Some revised definitions:

ALERT: A player must use their Alert card to inform others that danger is coming.

AVOIDANCE PLAY: A technique by which players make their bids in the most long-winded way possible, using methods such as procrastinatory dusting, distraction (e.g. performing card tricks), and hiding under the table. A highly successful patch of avoidance play may go on for anything up to 4 and a half days, leaving the opposition in an intended state of narcoleptic insanity, which can then be abused by the avoidance player. Smugness is permitted.

CLOSED HAND: A round in which players must play with their hands as fists. Thumbs must be kept on the outside to avoid danger of broken bones. If a player should fail to keep hands in the appropriate fist position, they will be charged with 18.3 penalty points.

FALSE SACRIFICE: In more cultish Bridge communities, this term may describe the brutal killing of the wrong sentient being.

INFORMATORY DOUBLE: An exact DNA-replica of a player, which carries in-depth knowledge of the opposition's cards. Consulting your informatory double is considered cheating, and will result in 83 penalty points.
I have a slight suspicion that my grandmother, an avid bridge player, would laugh quite heartily at this. -w-


34 kills in one game, two Godlike sprees, 3 double kills, a triple kill and an ace.


.....the fuck?

also! my basement was on fire today!
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Dr. Kraus

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 06, 2011, 09:33:11 PM
.....the fuck?

also! my basement was on fire today!

OH SHIT. Hope everything is A-OK with that...

anyway, did a lot today in Akron! Got a new baseball mit and wooden bat, went to a Akron Aeros game (double-A farm team for the Indians) and caught a foul ball! Also grilled up some steak burgers and ate Cracker Jack.


sounds like a good day! and yeah, my basement's fine. my dad emptied his ash tray into a trash basket in the laundry room, and left to go out to dinner with my mum. when they came back my mum found it when she went to do laundry; it had burned through the plastic bag. :\

house smells funky, but other than that we're fine.
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Oh man. >< Cigarettes kill..... and pose a major fire/smoke damage hazard. :/


Dead on my feet; living history weekend.  See you all after my Baltimore trip Monday?


Farewell and keep safe on your trip to Baltimore. (D:)


So, just because I felt like it, I'm posting this from Sonata...on OS9. It can handle it better than my phone, oddly enough


speaking of alternate computers, speedy crapped out on me again! and since i can't find her receiver, reporting in from tanky! ><;

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Dr. Kraus

Well, the Port Authority (Pittsburgh's transit company) is finally adopting Japanese style card systems in their buses and trams!

To further explain, we will get a card and scanner like this Japanese one in every bus and tram!

Plus all the fare boxes are getting replaced, like the yellow one in this picture.

Now I await the implementation of these barricades...


They're really handy, actually. We've had those in Stockholm for like, 2 years or so now.


I'm not so sure they're of Japanese design.  We've had the Oyster Card in London for donkeys years.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!