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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


I remember the Yeti was pretty top of the line for what was marketed as a business class PC (Think of a Dell Optiplex, but with the capability to send mid-range multimedia PCs of the era running in fear, and you have the Yeti in a nutshell). However, it was a painful experience trying to do stuff online in '03 on a 75Mhz Pentium with 40MB of RAM and an installation of Windows 95 in dire need of TLC

Don't go chasing waterfalls~~
Wait; wrong kind of TLC...


I may have forgotten to mention that, being depressed and all, I decided that that computer must be built.
Different parts this time though.


So your project PC is in the works again? If so, than I'll be happy to provide support along the way when needed


Quote from: Red-Machine on July 04, 2011, 04:58:40 AM
Quote from: Acher13 on July 04, 2011, 04:40:00 AM
          x,          x,
           } 、\___// }     /
           厶- }      {‐ く    〈{_____
        / /         \ \   \     \
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      〃7   八   、_,_,   八   V^)) /         '
  _/{{   /  ` ァ    r '   {{、  〃'く__      }
 (__.:.:゚。:.ヾ=彡     .′     '.    ゞ=彡.:.:.:.。゚-く
  ーt__゚/      /{      ト,     \゚_r'′    /
            .' } ト ┐ l f⌒丶,_/⌒'      /
             {  } l   | { }               /
             丶 し'  し' 厂 ̄  ー----=彡
want to make a contract with me?

NO.  The only kind of magical contract I want to make is a pactio with the Negima girls.

          x,          x,
           } 、\___// }     /
           厶- }      {‐ く    〈{_____
        / /         \ \   \     \
        _/   i{ (C)    (C) }i  '.  _  7^     丶
      〃7   八   、_,_,   八   V^)) /         '
  _/{{   /  ` ァ    r '   {{、  〃'く__      }
 (__.:.:゚。:.ヾ=彡     .′     '.    ゞ=彡.:.:.:.。゚-く
  ーt__゚/      /{      ト,     \゚_r'′    /
            .' } ト ┐ l f⌒丶,_/⌒'      /
             {  } l   | { }               /
             丶 し'  し' 厂 ̄  ー----=彡
But I can give you anything you want! Anything you want besides lolis.... even in this world, wanting a loli is just wrong.


Can I hug the Kyuubey?
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Of course you can hug the Kyubey.


My my, aren't you lovely~




      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) 
     ( ´_ゝ`)  /  ⌒i    
 ̄\  /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/.   |     
 ̄ ̄ | /   ./ROFLMAO/. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ|||  |       ⌒ ̄

      ∧_∧    (´<_`  ) 
     ( ´_ゝ`) /   ⌒i  stfu, man. 
 ̄\  /    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/.   |     
 ̄ ̄ | /   ./ROFLMAO/. | |
 ̄| |(__ニつ/_____/_| |____
田| | \___))\    (u ⊃
ノ|||  |       ⌒ ̄
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I wish I had a way to fast-forward through the work day tomorrow, so I could get to the point in time when UPS delivers my Mac Mini...


think about something else. that helps. :\
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go to sleep or play some games... or..
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hire an assassin to kill time


The work day will at least kill 7 hours of my day, so what Archer suggested isn't required. After that, comes the wait...


the internet is a miracle in the world of killing time. look at all the office workers who get nothing done due to . :3
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