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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Quote'Cause where else will you put those cowbells? ^^'
A cowbell on a horse just.......... *dizzy* ...boGgLeS tHe MiNd.... O_o

'Kay then, I'll sweeten the deal! ^__^

How about that same hourly centage as before + 15 micrograms of gold. Cause you can't restart civilization without real money,... trust me, the barter system has its limitations.... Ã,¬__Ã,¬
And whatever you do, make sure your descendants DO NOT adopt centralized banking and a fiat currency, unless they too want to end up huddling inside bunkers with cows. ^___^;

My bunker experiment has funding from many major sponsors:
The State of Texas
Arbusto Energy
Spectrum 7
Harken Energy
The Texas Rangers

All are highly dubious, of course.


Yeah, like one will pump sewage water into your storage tanks, another will cut the power off to your ventilation shaft and one's technically bankrupt....
Yeeeeeeeah,... I'd go with the pig on this one.  ^__^


Not buying into my proposal....?  ^___^


*grumble grumble*

[mumbling]  Doggannit,... I'll never get Codi to sit on a cow at this rate....  Ã,¬__Ã,¬


Quote[mumbling] Doggannit,... I'll never get Codi to sit on a cow at this rate.... Ã,¬__Ã,¬

Codi??? Cow??? Sitting???


*temper tantrum* Oh FINE!  ^-^
I'll fork over the $55/hour to rent a horse....!  ^0^

[whining]  Probably'd make a better steed for Codi than a cow anyway....  ;^~^;


*opens wallet*






[guilt trip]  NewYinzer... you're so cruel..... -____-


Okey dokey. But if the horse dies, you owe me $1200. Or you can buy horse insurance for $5.


*eyes sparkle*  Currency with the "$" symbol!!!  *v*
You mean to say,....  ^__^

[excited]  I'm only liable for $1200 JAMAICAN?!
And can buy insurance for a mere $5 JAMAICAN?!!!

*doesn't wait for response*

I take back every nasty thing I etched on that wall over there~!!!!  ^.^

*uses light spackle to cover up disparaging remarks on wall*

*squeals with delight*

*does happy dance*

Mmmmmmmmmmm-hmmmmmmmmm, got meself a cheap horse!!!  ^___^

Now I don't have to get squished by~!  ^v^



Uh,... er,.... I mean,..... Um,............ Ã,¬Ã,¬'

*drops subject quickly*

Anyway, Codi, please come hither!  ^.^
Yer horse is here!  Now we can recover your voice!  ^v^

Cause it's like the ol' saying goes.... -v-

"When thou dost lose your voice,
Get a horse,
Or a comparable ruminant such as a cow."


Eighteen bucks? What am I gonna do with eighteen bucks?
-Take a London taxi one block?
-Buy a cupcake from Magnolia Bakery?
-Ride the subway from Castle Shannon to Gateway center?
-Buy three DVD's?
-Park at the airport for one day?
-Buy a container of toilet bowl cleaner?
-Sponsor a child in Africa for three weeks?
-Buy a second-hand pogo stick?
-Produce a manga series?
The possibilities are endless!


Did I mention you guys are really random and that you guys rock for being that way?

Who has a bunker-buster? Jeff likes it when things go a-slpodey.


QuoteQuote from : SleepyD

Did I mention you guys are really random and that you guys rock for being that way?

Who has a bunker-buster? Jeff likes it when things go a-slpodey.

Who's jeff?


Haha, jeff is me. ^^


Quote from: "NewYinzer"Eighteen bucks? What am I gonna do with eighteen bucks?
-Take a London taxi one block?
-Buy a cupcake from Magnolia Bakery?
-Ride the subway from Castle Shannon to Gateway center?
-Buy three DVD's?
-Park at the airport for one day?
-Buy a container of toilet bowl cleaner?
-Sponsor a child in Africa for three weeks?
-Buy a second-hand pogo stick?
-Produce a manga series?
The possibilities are endless!

Fufufu... You know your currencies.  That's good.  -v-

Another 15 points for you!  ^.^

Just don't forget that with your combined fee, that comes down to approximately $18 AND 7 cents USD.  ^___^
Just imagine what you can do with 7 cents (3 pence?) nowadays!  ^V^
The possibilities are so infinite, you'd reach the end of pii before covering them all!  ^o^
*heavy sigh*  It's so inspiring, it makes me.... want to faint.... -v-


QuoteDid I mention you guys are really random and that you guys rock for being that way?

Yo SleepD & Alfamille!  It's been a while!  ^__^
Well, speaking at least on my behalf, let's just say I have a lot of,.... [prior] experience with incoherence....  Ã,¬vÃ,¬

QuoteWho has a bunker-buster? Jeff likes it when things go a-slpodey.

Well I don't really do the whole nuclear-type armament thing (which is what it really is), besides it would create an economic conflict of interest since I'm currently price gauging someone living in a bunker....  ^____^;

But I know contacts that can deal in that stuff for ya -- just be prepared to forfeit your arms and legs (literally) just to pay their tip.  Ã,¬___Ã,¬'

My advice, you're better off with a thermorabic.  ^^;

QuoteWho's jeff?


Ah yes, Alfamille!!!  ^v^
I flooded the gallery with OSX pics JUST - FOR - YOU!!!  ^.^
So when all the Windowites come at me with their tar and feathers, I can stand up tall and proud and proclaim to the world.....  -v-

[theatrically]  Alfamille made me do it.... ^.^  

*heavy sigh*  What passion........!  ^o^



Welcome back Alfamille! A lot has happened since you were put into hibernation...


*blinks* I am absent for a bit and woah o.o! I have a horse now and stuff XD

Thanks C-chan ^o^ I appreciate it very much ^^ My voice is better than the other day, albeit still a bit scratchy. Blame the sinuses and lots of talking. (Cause I talk a whollle bunch.)

Anyway! I see Alfamille. Sir, how do you fair?

rdhdtwns added the following  2 minutes after last message :

QuoteQuote from : NewYinzer

NewYinzer (naive alter-ego): I see no problem with...oh god. I hope you don't mean what I think you mean.

NewYinzer (not-quite-as-naive-alter-ego): It really doesn't matter what she was talking about. As long as her voice gets better and we can all get back to normal.

NewYinzer (crazy alter-ego): As I was trying to say, the Avian Flu has hit the shores of America, not too far from where I live.

NewYinzer (just plain stupid alter-ego): I like eggs 1337 lolololol

NewYinzer (ego): Why are you losing your voice?

OMG XD That was so cute. XD
Naive alter-ego eh o.o *shakes their hand* nice to meet you <3
I like eggs too.

YAY!! it's my 100th post!!!!!
So cute it\'s deadly!


WOOHOO!!! Codi's got her horse and her voice!!!!  ^V^

This pig's mission is done!!  ^.^


..................Although the cow would've been more fun....  Ã,¬__Ã,¬


QuoteQuote from : C-Chan

WOOHOO!!! Codi's got her horse and her voice!!!!  ^V^

This pig's mission is done!!  ^.^


..................Although the cow would've been more fun....  Ã,¬__Ã,¬

I dunno, I had some run-ins with cows a couple years back, and they ran me into an electric fence x.x That was fun.

*gallops around* Bwahahahaha!
So cute it\'s deadly!