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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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the thing is, it isn't a matter of a slow connection; it's a matter of an over-protective connection (or something like that). for over 5 years i couldn't torrent, play pop-up flash games or MMOs. but in recent times, i've been able to torrent, and my sister's been able to play WoW, so i figured i'd try to. :3
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Dr. Kraus

Maplestory isn't that protected so you should be fine, I've played it since their 3 anniversary (3 years ago) but I was never consistent and lost my awesome 3 year old account so now I've got to start over >:C 


Sounds like the old dial-up connection we had about 11 years ago; a majority of online games where unplayable because of how overly protective the connection was.


well, i tried to play maple story years ago, but couldn't (they might not have had the vista patch at that time). so as long as they have a version for windows 7, i might be good. :3
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Windows 7 may complain about it being incomparable when you first start it up, but ignore that; they seem to have most of the problems with 7 worked out by now, although Microsoft hasn't received the memo yet.


eh, it complained when i installed theme hospital (originally made for windows 95), but eventually complied with the installation. :\
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I was letdown when I bought a copy of Rayman 2 for PC a few days ago, only to find it's incomparable with 64-bit Windows because the idiots at Ubisoft decided to use a 16-bit installer. I could try it out using 2k-on-2k Mode...


my sister has it for pc; the res sucks on it.


I almost bought the Dreamcast version when I still had my Dreamcast, but I passed it up. I've wanted to play more of it for years; after playing a demo at Toys 'R Us ages ago


then why did you pass up the dreamcast version?

also, something you might like: while cleaning yesterday, i found my PS1 copy of Bomberman Fantasy Race.

*facepalm* >w<;;
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I passed it up for Phantasy Star Online V2; which ended up becoming my most-played game on the system.

As for the game you found (Which I'm going to have to look up), at least you didn't stumble onto a copy of The Land Before Time: Racing Adventure; which I remember seeing at a local mom 'n pop video store ages ago.


oh god, that sounds so weird. .__.;
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Not quite as weird as Barney's Hide & Seek Game; which I was forced to watch my youngest cousin play regardless of how much I wanted to play Sonic 3 & Knuckles instead


i'm not clicking that link.

i didn't like barney when i was supposed to, and i don't like him now.
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