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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Well, I have no idea how to check for myself; even though I'm some small percentage Native American (I can't remember how much, though)


All you need to do is think for a second about what animal has often caught your eye in life, which stories of an animal you remember the best and then, once you find out who that is, you 'ask' if they will be your spirit animal.


I've considered rat for myself before... didn't quite work though...

The black swan thing comes from being referred to as a living "black swan event" (since my mom wasn't supposed to have any more kids... but then I came along...), and it just sort of stuck. The paradoxical nature of swans seems to fit me well - they are graceful in their element, awkward when not; have a peaceful exterior covering a combative interior; are pair-bonding, loving and loyal, yet become berserkers when provoked. Add in their connotations of transformation (I was an ugly duckling as a kid), empathy and intuitiveness... and several powerful dreams I've had involving swans... it just works. ^^


If that's the case, mine might be a cat. More time to analyze the data is necessary...


if i was to be an animal, i'd likely be a cat (or maybe a stray dog, and if so, an akita). i take that to mean my spirit animal is a cat.

my sign is pisces, so it could also be fish......and my eastern zodiac sign is monkey, which would make me a sea monkey. :\

to be honest, i have more of a guardian planet than a guardian animal.... :\
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 01, 2011, 06:12:45 PM
if i was to be an animal, i'd likely be a cat (or maybe a stray dog, and if so, an akita). i take that to mean my spirit animal is a cat.

I was kinda expecting you to say cat. ^^'

Red-kun also said if he were an animal, he'd be a cat. d:


Whatever means I use, any spirit guardian of mine would be a ferocious chimaeral hydra. The composition would likely be of Moose, Dragon, Magpie and Dryad.

Lately it's been drifting towards dryad quite heavily, though, much thanks to the shrine...

In other news: cousin (not clone, part of Clan though) graduated today. Much partying ensued, along with fine speeches at the dinner table. The Clan being the Clan, of course, a lot of shenanigans also ensued. Dinner was had at a quite amazing spanish restaurant, with a cool guy playing spanish classics on guitar and singing. Food was tasty (very much so).

In the end, feelsquitegoodman. Despite shit going hayward on other fronts.


The past few days at work have been very, very dull; they haven't had many patients, which means very little for me to do. When I was only working 4 hours a day, this wasn't too bad...but since I now work 7 hours in the same position, it's a bit boring; wondering around aimlessly in hopes something turns up for me to do while counting down the minutes until I can get off.


the weather here today has been insane. i woke up at 8am (i usually wake around 10:30) to great booms in the distance. realizing that a thunderstorm had come early, i tried to go back to sleep at it started raining. i heard my mum calling the cats, and went to the door to check; it was pouring and hailing. both cats made it inside, but it was weird. i went upstairs, thinking that was the worst of it.
i was wrong. springfield, a city about 2 hours from here, was hit by a tornado. there is now a tornado watch in effect for the entire state of mass, and some parts of NH (including my county, i think).

i'm kinda scared, guys. ;^;
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@Choco: To be completely honest, I didn't even know that tornadoes could occur that far north; I mainly hear about them occurring in the southern states.


What was that I heard about Ragnarök being little less than a year or so off?
Oh, right.

Aurora Borealis

There were some times my city was under tornado warning, with tornadoes already sighted in nearby places, and they -just barely- passed by my area. Those close calls happen fairly often. It's still unnerving and I feel sad for those who get hit. :(


The last tine a tornado was confirmed to have hit my hometown was back in '88; although, there is reports of one that struck down in a heavily wooded area of town back about 5 years ago, but it was never officially confirmed.


according to google, there was a tornado in Gorham, NH last june. :\
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Just remember that the only thing you have to fear is feat itself...and Daleks

I just got around to retaking the geometry part of the GED test; making a 1 point improvement over my previous score (I now got it up to a 7\10). Still, I feel I've got it up to a respectable score, so next in line is algebra...which I plan on heading over to the library when I get off work tomorrow to see about a book on it. I'll learn it's weaknesses, and then use them to my advantage when the time comes for me to take up my scientific calculator and charge into battle.