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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@Choco: Yeah; my grandmother on my mom's side had one last weekend, and my grandma on my dad's side is going to have an even bigger one outside her store in two weeks. I'd love to be able to get some of my stuff that I don't need together, but I can't get to some of the bigger things right now because of all that junk. You know, I might have to take a pic of it later to show the chaos...


i dread the one my grandma's having. most of the family chastises me for having such a messy room. what they don't realize is that i've tried to pack an apartment into a room. :\
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My room is a bit messy, but that's because I've never gotten around to cleaning it up much (I was actually in the process of cleaning up and packing my stuff circa '06; when it seemed like we where going to move because of an offer for a job my dad received...but those plans fell through, and I haven't gotten around to trying to clean since then). My main closet is even worse; I cringe over the though of trying to clean that out whenever I finally get to move out...


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Some of those happen to be what my sister's house is usually like; thankfully, although my room is a bit messy, most of the mess is piled into one half of the room while leaving the other half at least half-way organized.


there's a path in my room. :\
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I know what that's like; when I was younger, there was junk everywhere with a little path leading to my bed


one person's junk is another person's stuff. ><;
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My room is a bit in that direction...

Would be more though, were it not for the sheer size of it. -_-;


@Nejin: Your room is probably still better organized than my sister's house usually is

@Kraus: That stations needs some Led Zeppelin. It's the foundation of any good station

Dr. Kraus

Quote from: PentiumMMX on May 22, 2011, 04:21:45 PM
@Kraus: That stations needs some Led Zeppelin. It's the foundation of any good station

Ignore what I put up, I need Winamp plus for it to work right so its not going to happen... I might figure something out later though!


Dammit...ok; maybe you'll find something else to help you do that
Maybe Black Mesa...that was a joke. Ha-ha; fat chance [/glados]


i wish i could find the winamp skin files for the os-tan. all i found is pictures of them, not the actual files. ><;

@nej: my room is the biggest bedroom in the house. since you've been in it, would you believe that if i hadn't already told you?
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Absolutely not. Spacetime must be twisted in some way!


there must be some residual TARDIS energy floating around. -w-

either that, or it's that damn black hole again.....
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