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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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My family trusts me, they just don't trust anyone I associate with. Except for my bro's gf - she actively supports my getting out and meeting new people/leading my own life. .w.;

Basically, if I want to do something w/o drama, I have to do it, then return in one piece and say "HAH! You won't believe what I just did... and survived!" I think they're at the point where they trust me enough to be out on my own in new environments for extended periods of time (like traveling), but money currently holds me back. : /


@kriz: good. -w-
@bella: if your parent/etc doesn't trust you to go out in the world and be ok, i don't count that as trust.

besides, none of us have tried to come molest you or steal your credit card number or social security or whatever. we're not creepos. :\
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Well. My parents don't always trust me on things like, getting up in the morning, but that one's fairly understandable.
They ARE a bunch of bloody worrywarts, though. But I suppose encouragement is better than paranoia.


Oh, hey guys!

You know in Sweden, we have this thing called "Public Service". Where we get a certain number of TV and Radio channels paid by tax money. Where we, thus, can expect the content to be largely qualitative, sane and quite acceptable in general - even more so on the radio, where the target group of listeners seldom are under 40 years of age.

So: today, me and my dad were going to the marina to pick up our boat, which has gotten some repairs over the winter. I turned on the radio - on its default setting on SR P1, commonly known as the most grown-up channel in the world. Not to say that's bad - it's a very nice listen if you have the head for it. But seldom the stuff for the majority our generation to get interested in.

What comes on is THIS... (opens in Winamp or WMP or anything, I think - if not, use this link and press, well, you will know)

This woman just won the entire internet. All hats off to you, seriously.


@Bella: Wow...and I though my mom was crazy. She doesn't have a problem with me wanting to get out and meet new people, but if it involves people I met over the internet, she tends to get paranoid.


Quote from: PentiumMMX on May 20, 2011, 06:48:04 AM
@Bella: Wow...and I though my mom was crazy. She doesn't have a problem with me wanting to get out and meet new people, but if it involves people I met over the internet, she tends to get paranoid.

As for me i'm free to do whatever the hell i want. My eldest brother goes out like every weekend, my other brother's a neet and i'm here on the pc or outside. depends on my mood. >3>

My my, aren't you lovely~


I present for your consideration this exchange:

Me: "...oh and I have internet friends."
Dad. "I thought so, I just never bothered to ask about them since you're an adult and have a right to privacy."

HOLY MIXED SIGNALS BATMAN! (I must say father has become exceedingly skilled at assuming things about me that turn out to be true. Good to see that someone's perception is as sharp as ever...)


I've met several of my European online friends, either them visiting me in Finland or I visiting them in France, Spain or Denmark. ^^ The first time I was having an online friend over, however, my father charmingly warned me of the "gay pedophile rapist" that'd surely appear instead of my friend. I let him hear my opinion of his association of those three words together. :/


Speaking of family...

Seems like the Clan has got itself its first feud.
Sigh. Aunt. -_-


Well, they didn't have any tickets on them for that raffle today, but one of the ladies running it said she'll get some to me on Monday...that is, if I don't end up jumping on a cheap iBook G3 (The late model one, with the white case) I found on craigslist before then. Tough choice; a chance at winning an iPad 2, or finally having a proper Mac again to replace Bulbasaur...


I wouldn't bother with a G3, tbh.  You're best going for a G4.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Personally I'd go for the iBook... raffles are tough to win... >__>;

And an iBook is a proper computer with a keyboard and touchpad and stuff, iPads are just oversized iPhones. <__<


I'm probably going to call those people with the iBook in a few minutes; although $99 doesn't seem too bad, I might see if they can come down on the price a little more due to it's age and the fact it doesn't seem to have been upgraded much (From the pictures posted, it's apparently running OS X 10.3.9 with a 600Mhz processor and 128MB of RAM)

UPDATE: Scratch that; the iBook had already sold. Well, if I won the iPad, I could always try to trade it for some kind of proper Macintosh if I don't feel it's worthy to replace Mikuru...


For OSX, you'll need at least 512MB, but the speed of that G3 is actually rather respectable.

You'll have to hunt around for software that's compatible with the G3, tho.  I recommend upgrading to Tiger, too as it makes it a shitton easier to find stuff that'll run.  Tiger is like the XP of the Mac world, it's the base OS required for pretty much everything.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


@pentium: good luck with the search. :\

@bella: glad to see your dad kinda gets it....?

@pitkin: i remember reading in 7th-8th grade that pedophiles are most often straight white men. :\

@red: am i to assume that there might be some source of rivalry between XP-tan and Tiger-tan? xD

and you sound a little like me in terms of parents; mine knew i wasn't going to get into trouble, so apathy kicked in and the only times i got scolded was when i brought home bad report cards or stayed up till 2am on a school night.

@nejin: but your parents were lax enough to let you come here. TWICE.
feud? what? explain. :\
and you rich bastar--- ^^;

(i decided to space my text a bit to make it easier to read....since it's kind of in block formation. :\ )
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