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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I know how to make a satellite dish out of a bike wheel, foil, and some wires.  Thanks to time spent with retired Forest Service fire observers.  I also have a regular old antenna for my TV, so we'll see what happens.

Backup internet plan is pirating department wireless....

I have a hundred for about three months.


man, you guys are getting sucked dry, huh? my family can't afford a plan so we all use prepaid. i'm lucky enough that my phone was a graduation gift from a former friend last year; lovely little flip phone (w/ camera) that came with an 800 minutes/double minutes for life card. (doubles the minutes any time i put a card on my phone. -w-) the tradeoff is that calls are 1 minute = 1 minute and texts are .30 minutes per page (so that's like a buck a minute or so). i mostly text though, so it all works out. -w-
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i use 2 dollars worth of prepaid a month :P
My my, aren't you lovely~


lol. i don't get many calls or texts anyway. xD (i've only put cards on that phone, including the initial one).
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Female doctors! *high-fives her shadow*

Ugh, phone bills. Bad topic, expensive topic. ^^;


My phone bill is of some 8 bucks a month. With considerable usage.


@Choco: I take it you have Tracfone. That's what I'm using; I have a flip phone from them with the double minutes, too, it being a Christmas gift shortly after I started my current job, because my old phone's battery was giving out.

Dr. Kraus

Guess who has the day off? This guy! Its election day here in PA so we have the day off!


My phone plan includes 1000mins and 1000 messages per month (soon there'll be unlimited internet too ;3)


Guess who has this day off because his school year is concluded?  Me.  Not, a lot to do.

Ergh, I text so slow it doesn't even begin to seem productive.


My phone has 450 stacking minutes per month (I'm over 5,000 now) 450 texts per month and so much internet usage per month that I haven't used that much in the year I'd had it.


I think it's funny how some of my friends locally try to talk me into replacing my good flip phone (Which I sometimes use in speakerphone mode; holding it like a communicator from the original Star Trek) and upgrading to an iPhone, when they fail to realize that if I had the kind of money to blow on a smart phone, I wouldn't be living with my parents.

Of course, if I where to get something along those lines, it'd either be a Windows Phone or a Droid, because I see the iPhone way too much...


I've never sent a text in my life. And my phone is approaching its 6th birthday. I refuse to get a new one since they all suck. :|

Aurora Borealis

I've never texted either, my family has never had a texting plan (so each text costs money), and none of my phones I've had are good at it.


Each text does cost money. -.- Even more so when sent abroad, that is to say screw the moments when Skype's not the option...