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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I'm legally required to inform you I will be performing on the air waves tonight, on WCDE 90.3 FM or at for those outside of Randolph County.

Dr. Kraus




Now one of my professors wants me to co-author a paper with them so far outside my discipline (I'm pretending) I can't see it with a telescope.


CHALLENGE DETECTED. Take it, if you're a man! _W_


guess i missed the chance to comment. >__< as long as no more people try to convert me, i'm cool. >__<

my family is catholic, and i was baptized, though i reject all the teachings, my grandma has given up trying to change me, my grandpa didn't care what i was, and my mom is so bad a catholic that she gets us all birth control. :\

the last time i went to church was when i was about 10, for my aunt's funeral. :[ the last time i was there for a mass, i revealed just how little i knew about it by saying "what a pretty castle!"

my mum (or my grandma forced my mum) sent me to sunday school when i was was on thursday nights. the lady who taught it's daughter was in my girl scout troop, but the lady herself was a snobby, conservative rich bitch (her daughter has a bit of an entitlement attitude too). she always gave me the evil eye, and i think it had to do with the fact that i was different. (when we had to make dioramas in the class, the other kids made biblical scenes. i made a sale at the mall. xD)

i had two requests, but thanks to pitkin, i picked one :3

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Quote from: Paul on March 25, 2011, 02:25:41 PM
Hmm... I'm Christian on paper, but I don't really go to church except for the big events (Christmas etc...) I've been becoming increasingly sick of the twisted morale many preachers have... and the church being led by a bunch of old men also hasn't left me with a good feeling.

I believe in some sort of higher power, but not the Christian idea that this higher being is almighty and impeccable. I think its power is limited somewhat and it also makes mistakes.

I'm very open-minded about religion, I really don't care which religion my friends practice, unless it gets too fanatical.

We sound alike in this respect.

My family is Catholic - so am I being baptized into the church and all - but my near-family rejects a lot of the church's teachings (they're pro-birth control, pro-same-sex-marriage, pro-choice, socially-progressive libertarians) and have incorporated a lot of other religious philosophies into their spiritual practices. Occultism (esp. Rosicrucianism), Taoism, Eastern philosophy in general, Judaism and what a lot of other people would probably classify as "paganism" have all shown up at different points...

I still go to church on occasion, but I prefer our Congregational church; it's a very open-minded place, I like the reverend and her sermons, and the music there is really beautiful too...


I've attended church more often in the past one and half years than ever before, for two reasons: 1) my good friend plays the organ there at times, and I go listen to her performance, and 2) the newly-started "rainbow masses" which I fully support and enjoy (for as long as the "mainstream" masses don't wish to fully involve the rainbow folks). It's ironic that it required me to formally leave the church to start attending its services more often: back in time entering a church made me feel physically unwell for the stress it always caused in me. :(


i know people who have been severely burned by holy water. church freaks me out, man. >__<
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I try to stay out of them. I always get this centipedes-crawling-under-your-shirt kind of feeling when I enter a church, and sometimes it gets worse from there...

In other news, HEY THERE, VERSION-UP.


I'm starting to think that the reason I'm still Catholic is that I hardly ever came into contact with super socially-conservative people.  My Jesuit education in high school probably also helped in that regard.

Take the pro-choice/life debate for example: As a Catholic, I am against abortion. However--what needs to be done is to find out reasons WHY people want abortions.  Instead of trying force your own morals to the world and make it law, they should try other means to spread their message.  One way is to fund more programs about sexual education.  I had to watch sex ed videos in a Catholic school in the 6th grade. It's not like it'll corrupt children's minds or anything. At the very least, if someone decides to have sex "for the fun of it" they'll have the intelligence and decency to use contraception.

These issues are never black-and-white, and unfortunately, that's how the extremists on both sides view it. 

Also, I liked my old church where I grew up with... lovely music. Great music director. He was from Singapore, plays that grand piano beautifully. On special occasions he gets people who play other instruments too. Ahhh that cello was lovely. *reminisces*


....let's get off the topic of pro life/choice before i start a flame war. >__<

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Pregnancies and babies and everything that follow terrify and sicken me, so... yeah. Honestly, at this point, I have no opinions about what life constitutes and am completely apathetic about who or what lives or dies or does or doesn't come to fruition; I'm still bothered by human suffering, but, that's about it - when I see a natural disaster or war, I don't mourn the people who've died as much as I pity those still going through it. An extension of my misanthropy I suppose? -____-

@K: I use Firefox and Safari, mostly the former though....


Safari, my secondary browser being Webkit.

I used to collect browsers, however.

I had... Stainless, Firefox, Flock, Netscape Navigator, Camino, Opera, Chrome, Cruz, Seamonkey, Sunrise, Webkit, Shiira and of course, Safari.

I think I had Chromium too, but heck if I know.
I do believe I had IE 5 or so just for the heck of it.


My primary browser on my netbook is Surf
Integrates beautifully with my window manager (dwm) and uses WebKit, so the rendering is quite fast. However it may be too simplistic for many people, especially those who don't want to be bothered with key sequences.

On the Mac it's ff, on the WinPC Opera


Even if it's just in jest, it shouldn't be suggested that an unmedicated schizophrenic relative live with us. Just, no. >______>