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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Yeah, no, hot dog water is not a pleasant smell.


@bells: i'm gonna miss it too, but what irks me is that it's taking so long to cut off. it rained/snowed today, and i had to walk in it with burst open boots. not fun. :[
@stew: febreeze?
@pitkin: LOVE the new avatar. *w*
@red: is that one of the songs? i barely remember the album ^^;

today, my mother forgot me at the bus station. it was 10:30 pm, cold, and rainy. the inner part of the station closes at 9, so i was left out in the dark. not wanting to sit on the damp bench, i set off in search of her. as i walked i attempted to call her, to no avail, so i texted my sister, who informed me that she'd try to get my mother too. after about 10 minutes of walking (and the death of my ipod), i was FINALLY able to get through to her (my mother), and upon doing so discovered that she had fallen asleep. resisting the urge to facepalm, i told her where i was going and set off for a nearby elementary school to wait there. after about half an hour, she calls me, screaming that i'm not at the station. as i try to calmly explain that i was at the school, she angrily says "i'm gonna slap you" and hangs up. half a minute later, she picks me up. we haven't talked since. :\
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Sounds like a really sucky evening, Choco. I'm sorry that you had to go through that last night. -.-

I came to visit my parents yesterday afternoon: they were visiting some relatives right next to Tampere and when going back, they picked me up at the bus station. No arguments this time, so it's been okay. However, my old computer is loud like a chopper, it's driving me crazy! >.< As I was bored last night, I was just playing Magical Trevor clips and took a screenie from the fourth one to get that avatar. x)

Dunno why, but I'm feeling really down and lethargic right now. Nothing to do and no one's around. ,_,


mm, i hate that feeling. have a coca-cola, you'll feel better. -w-

the 4th one is my favourite. i have them all on my ipod. :3
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Drinking RC Cola to stay alive.... has anyone seen my stapler?


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It's a 1947 gray metal Hammond Industrial office stapler.... so neither.


I has a 1990s-vintage Swingline.... .____.'

All the snow is melting from the trees. The noise of it hitting the roof scares my dogs, who are now nesting in my lap. They smell like wet dog, but I'm too kind to give them the heave-ho. >__>


I'm a bit sad to see the fimbulvinter go, but meh, at least we know we're on schedule.
3 years of endless winter before Ragnarök - 2010, 2011 were both HEAVY AS FUCK. And what's in store for 2012...? >:3
And I staple with a staple hammer. So there.


So now you're two good to throw them out of your lap?

The school.  It is trying to kill me the best way they know how.


i woke up and heard the melting snow hitting the overhand on the basement windows below. when i put my glasses on, i was confused that it wasn't raining. :\

i don't staple very often....but my dad has an industrial stapler that used to have blue staples. it ran out when i was little, but it was still a cool childhood memory. :3

@stew: why would she want something warm and fluffy not to be near her? trust me, the few times that olive has decided to play lap cat i've loved it. ^^
@bella, nej: i'm also sad to see the departure of my favourite season, but if it doesn't go, then we can't go to the beach this summer. :\
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I saw Bells fling her poor old Shitzu out of her lap once.  Which is why I mention it.


bella, don't throw old things. that's how you break them. >_<;
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Quote from: stewartsage on March 22, 2011, 12:09:30 PM
I saw Bells fling her poor old Shitzu out of her lap once.  Which is why I mention it.

Lies, she slipped out of my lap on her own volition. :<

Oh yes, and she's sleeping on me now.... though that might only be 'cause I have a heating pad on my lap...


mmmm, heating pads.... -w-

also, bells, nej, and anyone else that will be crashing at my place this summer: my brother has propositioned us on going to conneticon. he says that by doing volunteer work we can earn free passes. thoughts?
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