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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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>.< Didn't sound like a too nice experience, Bella! Glad to hear still that it didn't hurt much. ^.^

When I had my ears pierced (it was only a couple of years ago, actually), they didn't use the method you mentioned, but instead the piercing was made with a very long (like 10cm or so) needle. If I just remember correctly, it didn't hurt nearly at all, but my ears kept bleeding for like a couple of days after. ><

Still regarding blood tests: I didn't want to tell you before you had had the blood taken as I thought it'd maybe just make it worse, but the last time I was in blood analysis in last September, I totally blacked out during the process. My eyes lost vision for a long while, and the nurse told me to put my head between my knees. When I did, I got my sight back, but then I realised I couldn't get up from the chair and went totally dizzy. She opened the window to let me have fresh air and let me drink a couple of mugs of water, but eventually I had to be assisted to the room just next to lie down for a moment. I eventually got out, and Remilia brought me raisins that I could eat to get my sugar levels back up - I think it was all because I had to not eat for 12 hours before the blood tests, but it sure was scary as anything!

I'm very prone to dizziness in general every time I take a long hot shower or bath or get up too fast and it can end up in me being on all fours on the floor or abruptly sitting down on the closest object. I've fainted only once, however, and that was because of abrupt pain. >.<


ouch. :[

i've almost blacked out from the shower; it was scary. i started seeing spots, feeling REALLY woozy and my vision started to go dark. thankfully, i made it out and had several dixie cups of water before i actually fainted. i've decided that when i look for my own place, i'm getting a bathtub for medical reasons. >.<;;

i just remembered that i have to go in for oral surgery in a week >__< this is gonna be the suckiest break ever. on the upside, my birthday is 2 days after the surgery, so at least i have something to look forward to. :3 (i just hope i'll be able to eat my cake. :[ )
also, i've decided to learn myself in inkscape and scribus over break, so i'll be prepared to use them. any chance you guys could give me some help with the former? :3
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Surgery. ><; I hope for the best, Choco: you'll get to eat that cake for sure! Right now the whole word "surgery" sounds super scary, however.  ._.

Dr. Kraus

Probably going to be doing a lecture in my history class about Japanese Religion, Legends, and Culture this week, showing the Hastune Miku 39 Concert to demonstrate culture. Oh ho ho ho ho, this is going to be one fun and crazy lecture!

Hope your surgery go's well Choco and happy early birthday!     


can you videotape that lecture? :3

ty guys, it's nothing major, just wisdom tooth extraction. still gonna hurt like a bitch, which is why i'm worried i might not be able to enjoy my cake. it's bad enough that i'm getting it on a tuesday, which means i can't go to the goth club with my brother, which was his present to me. >__<
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It only took me three weeks to get my new professor to remember my name, so now she doesn't even bother calling my name during role like most of my other ones.  That's why you learn random criminal cases kids!  Other then that, it's finally warmish and sunny here, it's almost unbelievable.

It's not too bad Kari, I mean sure it hurts like hell for a while after you can feel your face again but as long as you follow the dentist's instructions it'll go alright.

I only blacked out once while getting blood taken; that was when I was about eight or nine maybe?  Other then that I've never passed out/lost unconscious outside of anesthesia (which still took, to quote doctors at the time 'forever').  It's a side effect of my phenomenally high pain tolerance I guess, since I've taken some fairly serious blows over the years.  Including being choked until the spots seeing/fading to gray stage before throwing my attacker.



i'm forbidden to eat/drink anything for 6 hours beforehand, so i'm worried they might say i can only eat jello for a week after. >__< which sucks, cause i might be getting double cake this year. ;__;
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They won't.  You're not supposed to do something dietary wise for a week or so after, but I don't remember what >>


I'm holding on to my wisdom teeth for as long as I can and if they do ever need taking out, I'm going to have to find a sedation dentist to do the job. (Those are expensive and potentially dangerous as fuck though.) >___<

I'm not sure what my pain threshold is, but it seems to be better if I keep quiet about it - the moment I admit to being in pain is the moment it feels a lot worse. I don't think any form of physical pain can match the mental torture I put myself through looking forward to it, at least if it's something that'll be over quickly. (Another reason, along with the maternal instincts of a polished rock, that I'd never consider having a baby of my own.) >__>

The most serious "work" I've had done is getting teeth filled; being gassed as a kid for some dental work and later getting several novocain injections is probably what gave me my insane mistrust/fear of people in the medical profession.

Unless you count all that time I was badly anemic and unable to stay awake for more than a few hours at a time, I've only nearly passed out once. Last fall when I was sick I became dizzy, started seeing spots, my skin became really pale looking and I felt really cold, I literally couldn't take another step and had to lie down where I was. I started to think I was SERIOUSLY SCREWED then, but I managed to get myself to a sink and drink some water before crawling back into bed. >__<


*pat pat* there, there...

ugh, i wanna call off the surgery. i want to go to that goth club and eat that cake ;__; but i really don't think my mom will let me call it off. >__<
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Why would your mom stop you? It's not her who's getting the procedure done, you should be able to do what you want. >__>


no, i DON'T want the procedure. but my insurance runs out next week, so my mum wants to get everything done now so we don't have to deal with the cost later. :\

i suppose it's better to get it out of the way anyway...
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If it makes it any better, the wisdom tooth/teeth removal was one of those things that I was very lucky with myself: didn't hurt at all at any point of the removal, nor afterwards. I only took one prescribed painkiller too, so I guess it's not always that bad. :) Actually, I think that the wisdom-tooth-removal specialist at our university healthcare unit was some kind of a magician, because no one ever complained about pain when she did it. ^.^


cooo-oool ^^

on the upside, i only have 3 wisdom teeth, so i might be able to chew on the one part that won't be operated on. xD
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Good luck with the one quarter chewing technique. xD Or maybe you could ask for an ice cream cake. ^^