Forum Games: Break a Wish

Started by Justin, June 24, 2008, 01:43:39 PM

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Granted. The cat ignores you most of the time

I wish I had more Nerf weaponry


granted. it's all broken.

i wish things would always turn out okay.
click to make it bigger


Granted. You get bored of how everything turns out ok everytime, and begin wishing it'd sometimes screw up

I wish this hem of dress was longer ^_^;


granted. the stitching starts to fall apart.

i wish we had a fucking glade plug in in this house.
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Granted. It's knock-off that you can no longer get cartridges for

I wish the Avatar knew what a paladin was


granted. but he forgets everything not related to paladins (aka breathing, sleeping, eating, his powers, the meaning of money, why the sky is blue, etc).

i wish i could put my comics online and they'd be successful.
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Granted, but you're unable to get new issues out on time to please the fanbase

I wish this shirt didn't have holes in it


granted. your pants do instead.

i wish i knew a way to stop this fancy text campaign.
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Granted. Pit begins posting everything in Finnish

I wish I could pull off the most epic trap mode ever


granted. but you become a girl in the process.

i wish i could find the damn item.
click to make it bigger


Granted. Your bag is full and you accidentally hit the wrong button when it asks "Would you like to throw away an item?"; causing you to lose it

I wish I had the real Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


granted. but it's illegible.

i wish i spoke japanese in addition to english.
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Granted, but you can't read or write in Japanese

I wish I had Spider-Man's powers


granted. but they ONLY work in the limits of NYC, which you are now barred from entering.

i wish my room had an infinite amount of space.
click to make it bigger


Granted. Your room becomes a TARDIS, but you accidentally lock the key inside

I wish The World was a real MMORPG