Forum Games: Break a Wish

Started by Justin, June 24, 2008, 01:43:39 PM

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granted. it's monopoly money.

i wish i hadn't forgotten that book. ><;;
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Granted. You forget your iPod, so no music :[

I wish I had a minifridge in my room


granted. you can't get the smell of rotting meat out of it.

i wish i could put the minifridge and extra microwave we have in my room. >>;
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Granted. You unfortunately lose the armchair, so I have nowhere to sit when I come visit ;_;
Also, it blocks access to some of your books

I wish I had more Bagel Bites


gRaNtEd. tHeY'rE iN a fLaVoUr yOu dOn'T lIkE.

i wIsH tHiS wAs a fOnT sO i cOuLd tYpE fAsTeR.
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Granted, but it's based on Comic Sans

I wish I could see a double rainbow


(i lIkE cOmIc sAnS)

gRaNtEd. iT's rEaLlY yAoI hApPeNiNg bEfOrE yOuR eYeS.

i wIsH sVu wOuLd pLaY mOrE.
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Granted, but it always airs in Spanish with Japanese subtitles

I wish I could have privacy >_>;



i wIsH pEoPlE wOuLd mInD tHeIr dAmN bUsInEsS aBoUt tHe wAy oThErS tAlK.
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Granted, but the way people write or type became globally standardised with any deviants shunned and prosecuted, just to give a couple of examples.

I wish the rabbits ruled the world.


Granted, but they eat all the salads

I wish I was a honey badger


granted. you turn into a badger that is covered in honey. enjoy the bees.

i wish i could do something different without people making a big fucking fuss.
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Granted, but now they complain about everything else with the site

I wish I was better at swimming


granted. now you suck at walking.

i wish i had the funds to build my house.[/size]
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Granted. You sell everything short of the clothes on your back, so you have nothing to put in the house nor a bed to sleep on

I wish I could go to Yogurt and study the Schwartz