Forum Games: Break a Wish

Started by Justin, June 24, 2008, 01:43:39 PM

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granted. it's coffee grinds.

i wish FLELE would play any .mp3 i give it.
click to make it bigger


Granted, but it'll randomly play Justin Bieber

I wish I had a Polaroid camera


(but i don't own any justin beiber.)

granted, but it's broken. in pieces.

i wish i could play with my friend's cat more. >w<
click to make it bigger


Granted, but now you never have time for your cats

I wish I didn't have to shave


granted. you have no hair ANYWHERE.

i wish i would never bite my cheeks again.
click to make it bigger


Granted, but you now have fewer teeth to allow for this

I wish I had my own spaceship


granted. it's broken and you don't have the right parts.

i wish i wasn't so tired.
click to make it bigger


Granted. Enjoy never needing to sleep again...or be able to sleep when you have nothing else to do

I wish I had a bikini >_>;


granted. it's various neon colours, stretched out to the point where it's 3 sizes too big, and used to belong to her.

i wish this keyboard was quieter.
click to make it bigger


Granted, but the fans are now twice as loud

I wish I had the ability to easily change genders at will


granted. but each time you do, you run a 50% chance of getting stuck inbetween, where you can't change out of it.

i wish i had one of those summer uniforms. :[
click to make it bigger


Granted, but it's in dollfie size

I wish I had the ingredients to make the Sauce



granted. they're rotten.

i wish i had enough money to run after the ice cream truck every time i heard it. -w-
click to make it bigger


Granted, but the truck stops coming through your area

I wish an ice cream truck would come through my area again


granted. but it's a ruse, selling only canned spinach. prepare to be overrun by popeye cosplayers.

i wish i could get that uniform. NOW.
click to make it bigger