Forum Games: Break a Wish

Started by Justin, June 24, 2008, 01:43:39 PM

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granted; but it turns out it's the police's radio broadcast. enjoy being arrested for hacking a private line!

i wish dominic had better hours at work. :\
click to make it bigger


granted, but the hours sync up to whenever you wanna be online

I wish for a zombie apocolypse.


Granted, but it's cancelled out by a meteoric collision... and Jesus... and this all happens while you're on the can.

I wish turkey tasted better.

The Choice of a New Generation.


granted, but it's filled with so much MSG that one bite =  CANCER BISHES.

i wish for ultimate downloading powers~~
click to make it bigger


Granted, but you can't control the powers and end up downloading the worst of the internet... hope you have anti-malware installed.

I wish I had a set of reality-breaking brass knuckles.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Granted, but they are from the dollar store and only dent reality then they break.

I wish to control other peoples minds


Granted.  But you can only control people who are nice to you (no revenge! lol).

I wish for a dancing chia pet


Granted.  Satan.

I wish for a working iPod


Granted, but all your music files have DRM on them, so your favorite files wind up getting deleted just when you want to listen to them most.

I wish I had a hammer.

The Choice of a New Generation.


granted; you get a child's squeaky hammer.

i wish for moar pizza.
click to make it bigger


Granted, no toppings, no cheese, no sauce... that's the way you like it, right?

I wish for snow.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Granted. It is warm. You now have lots of tasteless slush ice covering your entire state. Enjoy your meal!

I wish for an infinite supply of infinite supplies of catgirls.


Granted, but they all have rabies.

I wish there was a legitimate source of news.

The Choice of a New Generation.


granted, but it is all reported to you live from your illegitimate son.

i wish for what i want.
click to make it bigger


Granted but it is what you really wanted and not what you were thinking about at that time. You got a rotten taco.

I wish to divide by zero .5 times.