Forum Games: Break a Wish

Started by Justin, June 24, 2008, 01:43:39 PM

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Granted. You lose all your files.

I wish LHR development was never canceled.


Granted, but the head of every department will be George Bush.

I wish that you didn't loose those 2 or 3 darts from the nerf guns the first time you use them.


Granted. I shove the darts up your rear so they don't get lost.
(By the way, LHR never had departments xD)

I wish I had every song ever written on my hard drive and a hard drive big enough to hold all that plus everything I have on my PC now.


Granted. Hard drive number one is overfilled, crashes and burns. Hard drive number two is 1x1 meter in size and when you attempt to mount it on your computer you drop it and both of them break. No hope of recovery.

I wish could hear Sonar!


Granted. It's really irritating and you get headaches.

I wish that the TV in here would break so my mom buys a new one.


Granted, but the new one is black and white and tiny!

I wish I'd understand the concept of threaded code.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Granted but you don't understand anything else.

I wish my life was more awesome.
"Life begins with a disk drive"


Granted. You go insane and now look like an idiot because you think your job as a janitor is an adventure.

I wish I had fewer windows open.


Granted your PC bluescreens, killing all applications!

I wish MS would go bankrupt.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Granted. But the world ends because the 90% or so of computer users who use Windows go crazy and destroy the earth.

I wish for Windows 7 to have the Ribbon.


Granted, it however does not support colors.

I wish, that I could access my subconscious via a command line :)

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Granted, but you get bored and see what "format" does.

I wish for a bigger house.


Granted, but your house has no running water or proper heating or cooling.

I wish I had eternal youth.


Granted. You're now stuck as a newborn baby forever.

I wish my hosting account was unsuspended.


Granted but all your other accounts are suspended.

I wish I  were a fish!
"Life begins with a disk drive"