Forum Games: Break a Wish

Started by Justin, June 24, 2008, 01:43:39 PM

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Granted, but you get arrested for having an illegal pet.

I wish OS-tans were real.


Granted, but they all speak Klingon; so you have no idea what they're saying

I wish I had a taco


granted. it's very large and starts following you around, beating the shit out of you wherever you go.

i wish the forum would SLOOOOOOWWWW DOOOOOOOWN.
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Granted. New posts occur once every year

I wish I was like Pyro


granted. everything you touch turns to fire, including cereal. enjoy your new life as a sim.

i wish i could, in effect, divorce a chunk of my brain and place it in a persocom, so that the persocom may write my ideas day and night, meaning i'd never run out of time to write them.
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Odin Yggdrasil

Granted. Due to bandwidth issues, you only get one page of output every 2 months.

I wish there were more OS-tans


(eh.......still worth it.)

Granted, but the quality dips with the demand, meaning they're all just shitty-drawn recolours of the same -tan.

i wish i could wave my hand over my screen (in the manner of a theramin) and create the art i want.
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Odin Yggdrasil

Granted. Due to your inability to properly control your thoughts, the resulting artwork consistantly alternates between psychadellic and nsfw.

I wish my ship would go faster in eve online.



granted, but every time you accelerate it crashes the game.

i wish i could stream anime from my external onto the back of my eyelids.
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Granted, but you can only watch Scan2Go.

I wish I had boob implants.

Odin Yggdrasil

Granted. They develop leaks, causing intense pain and discomfort. Eventually the leaks make the shape of the chest become lopsided, and you have to get them removed before they cause an infection.

I wish I had a motorcycle.


Granted. For 2 whole months, you are the proud owner of a big swanky motorcycle, going fast every day!
Then the inevitable happens and all your intact organs are donated to some cancer patient or whatever.

I wish I had a built-in USB my MOUTH.
(warning: this may actually happen at some point)


granted, but given the lack of funding/means, you do the surgery yourself, and it gradually becomes infected. before you can remove it, however, to save what's left of your now-rotted face, the wiring becomes loose from the shifting tissue and you are electrocuted. the close proximity to the brain makes sure the process is quick.

i wish i had an unlimited supply of simple woven-reed sandals. (turns out, even Chinatown doesn't have them.)
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Odin Yggdrasil

Granted. Your sidewalk gets repaved to be flaming coals. Every time you leave your house, your sandals very quickly catch fire from walking on embers.

I wish I knew how to plan a wedding.



granted, but the bride is super-flighty and changes everything on a daily basis. after 6 months of stress and going WAY over budget, you end up with a tacky, plastic wedding in a drive-thru chapel, with a 70's halloween-themed reception at the local Red Roof Inn.

i wish my art was good enough for me to make commission money.
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