Forum Games: Break a Wish

Started by Justin, June 24, 2008, 01:43:39 PM

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Granted, they are all Chinese bootleg boxsets.

I wish for:
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Granted, but you instead get Konata with a cat ear headband

I wish I had a more normal sleep schedule


@Pentium- Dang it!  You beat me to the punch!

Granted, but now you start missing out on your classes, and important events.  Every.  Single.  Day.

I wish this generation was not filed with stupidity.

I hope your ready!


Granted, now it's filled with Idiocy.

I wish I didn't have to wear clothes
Simon was here :P


(pent doesn't attend a school, so there's no class to miss -w- )

granted, but you're carted off to the nearest nudist colony, which happens to be filled with ducks. angry ducks. angry, hungry ducks.

i wish when i was out of something, it would refill automatically without me having to go out to the store and buy more.
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(Indeed -w-)

Granted, but it only works so long as you continue to put money into your piggy bank; as a monthly fee for this service is automatically deducted from there

I wish Nerds jellybeans were available all year


(still not a bad deal)

granted, but they're all crap flavours like barf and hot sauce.

i wish i could get in touch with my mum. >>;
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Granted, but it takes all day to do it.

I wish I had a nerf tommy gun
Simon was here :P


gra nted, it's a chinese rip off

I wish for a second season of Utena


granted, it's done in crayon by the producer's 3-year-old daughter.

i wish they would play America's Most Wanted more.
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Granted, you're on the n° 1 spot on EVERY show

I wish that the crayon-made season 2 of utena had a nice plot...


Granted, but it's as convoluted and needlessly complex as the love child of Naurto and Kingdom Heart's plots.

I wish most FPS's did not have Russians as the main enemy.

I hope your ready!


Granted, now they're Puerto Ricans.

I wish that some people online had better grammar.


Granted, but now they are complete and utter stuck-up d-bags.

I wish I could go to Australia.  Or Japan, which ever works.

I hope your ready!


granted, the locals treat you like shit.

i wish i had all the spells i had in my .hack game irl.
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