Forum Games: Break a Wish

Started by Justin, June 24, 2008, 01:43:39 PM

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Granted, it explodes.

I wish I had a cheezburger
Simon was here :P


Granted, but it's undercooked

I wish I could accidentally the whole cup


Granted you accidentaly everything else too

I wish i had a bottomless stomach
Simon was here :P


granted, the acid eats through your organs since it has nowhere to go.

i wish i could sit crosslegged for long periods without getting leg cramps.
click to make it bigger


Granted, you get stuck like that, now really don't have a choice.

I wish I had bionic strenght
Simon was here :P


granted, you become the $6,000 man. they have the technology to repair you, they just don't want to spend the money.

i wish i could imagine something and have it appear.
click to make it bigger


Granted, but it works on anything you can imagine. Changeling just got real

I wish I could join Team Rocket


granted, but you are the lowest of all the grunts and you get the crap kicked out of you every day for your lunch money.

i wish i could get my dream house.
click to make it bigger


Granted, but it's a Lego set and not a full-size house

I wish I didn't encounter so damn many Zubats


granted. you encounter golbats instead.

i wish i had a full wardrobe of various gothic clothes.
click to make it bigger


Granted, but I make one of the dresses go missing >w>;;

I wish I had an EGL dress


granted, but it's 3 sizes too small.

i wish i could move things with my mind.
click to make it bigger


Granted, you do it subconsciously

I wish I was a mushi
Simon was here :P


granted, you're troublesome, so Ginko is forced to come and deal with you by sealing you in a jar.

i wish i could jump into any series (book/manga/anime/videogame/etc) i wanted.
click to make it bigger


Granted, you die in Deadman Wonderland.

I wish it would rain more.
Simon was here :P