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What's your gender?

Started by panda, September 08, 2005, 09:07:27 PM

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I have a male body but about a third of my mental state would be considered female. I do enjoy more of the romances out there and basically do more things that women might do instead of men


Genders...   Of the mind. Not too bad. Not too Shabby. Allthough I'd make a thread about cheese. Cheese if nice.  Anyhoo, I don't consider My mind being bound to one gender. I think my mentality is: Dewroo. yes. Just plain old Dewroo.

"But wait, I don't remebmer any 'Dewroo' Gender. Wtf?"  ;018

Let's all be cool and pretend they're is.  ;011

Alex Stankevitch

I am Male.

Though im  not one of these "Be A Man" types with no crying and all that BS. You should be true to yourself, and I do think i have a bit of a mixed personality cosidering male and female.



men can cry too!
ph33r my flimsy physique and nerdiness! *wobbles arms*


I feel your pain. I am also a weak, male, very unusual nerd. How am I ever supposed to get a date now?


I am female but not really.... most of what makes being female special is nothing I appreshiate or am capable of, I am not very emotional, hate the quirks of my body, want the same pay for my work, am interested in all sorts of newrdy themes and online-gamer.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


O RLY? This makes our fourth female member (I think).


Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Alex Stankevitch

Wow, and I though this would be a forum of all nerds and geeks. Simce im borderline Geek.

Quotehate the quirks of my body

I have quite a few female friends around my house and were like though anime childhood friend couples. And one has erm... quite a large chest and is always complaining her breasts are getting in the way of her doing things. Im 15 by the way.

I guess its just one of those female things, as us men have some "difficulties" too.


NewYinzer revisits this topic, Part II
Geek? Somewhat. Nerd? Probably not. Do girls like me? Some do. Am I weak? In the upper body, yes. In the lower body and morally, no. Am I a 40 year old virgin still living with my mother? I am not forty, I am in high school, so I do live with my parents. I am a virgin, but that is a positive attribute, considering I am below the age of consent. Do I have difficulties as a man? Heck yes.


Alex Stankevitch

Quote from: "NewYinzer"NewYinzer revisits this topic, Part II
Geek? Somewhat. Nerd? Probably not. Do girls like me? Some do. Am I weak? In the upper body, yes. In the lower body and morally, no. Am I a 40 year old virgin still living with my mother? I am not forty, I am in high school, so I do live with my parents. I am a virgin, but that is a positive attribute, considering I am below the age of consent. Do I have difficulties as a man? Heck yes.

That pretty sums up me aswell, but I do have some upper and lower body strength because I can kick a football quite far and get it on target, and am not a virgin (though lets not change the topic of this thread over this fact, its happened on other forums).


Gah... so many youngins here XD *shakes cane*


Still a female. XP

But, I think it's nice that you guys can identify with female thinking in some ways. I can only promise it'll help you down the road, when you're as old as me. <3
So cute it\'s deadly!


Female thinking: good idea.
Lots of youngins in here: made a note of it.
Alex isn't a virgin: what the? He and...
...better not change the topic.