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What's your gender?

Started by panda, September 08, 2005, 09:07:27 PM

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-_- I thought this thread was dead and gone already....

Tho, relevent to it. I was told by my ext grilfriend that I have an alot of estrogen o.O  Maybe I really AM a lesbian in a mans body!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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I put physically male, mentally a man/boy - as I definitely am - but that doesn't mean I know anything about football, consider groping a meaningful relationship with a woman or consider culture to extend as far as switching on the subtitles on your... *ahem*... 'speciality' foreign film.
And neither do a lot of my gender so, sorry girls, but a lot of the stereotypes ain't true.  ;012


well i think im a guy, I hope i'm a guy, but if i'm not a guy on the inside, please let me be a lesbian on the inside hehehe...  ;013
My my, aren't you lovely~


Physically male, mentally male

I don't like sports...hate them actually, but i'm not fat so there's no need to really lol...and i have some other views on women and life like s8man said there
but most of here are pretty much geeks so I don't think any would be a stereotype male mentally lol :P

Tupolev Wolf

yup Physically male, mentally male


I'm a man, baby!  (said in the best Austin Powers style).  :P

I'd say my thoughtpattern is pretty much exclusively male.  I hope....   ;026


Hmmm interesting topic... and its something I have thought about it and I've casted my vote... but it somewhat hard to say it personally.


After a great deal of research, I have concluded that I am a male. What gave it away was the ZOMG PEN0R! and general male physique.

It should be noted that I am a staunch proponent of mammaries. My campaign manager will confirm this come election time.


run your finger up your throat..if you find an apple, there is generaly a banna
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Physically male. As for mentally, the sheer number of people, both male and female, who have mistaken me for a girl online leads me to believe that mentally I probably think more like a girl. As for myself, I don't really think of myself as a guy or a girl as such... I'm just... me >_> /cliché

OP probably doesn't want my opinion on trans op so I wont comment on that


Quote from: "CaptBrenden"run your finger up your throat..if you find an apple, there is generaly a banna

Hahahaha! ;019  

True, True.. i'm gonna try

*reaches inside throat*

yup, apple there.

the banana is the easy part.. hehe
My my, aren't you lovely~


that was a word of wisdom my platoon sergent gave us when we went to singapore to make she we wernt getting a TS
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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platoon sargent? ;013
are you in the army or something?
My my, aren't you lovely~


bloody hell I hate it when that question gets asked -_-

Im in the United States Marines.  Infantry and armory to be spicific. Please dont confuse me with those panys.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.