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What's your gender?

Started by panda, September 08, 2005, 09:07:27 PM

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I think Homeko would approve of the way this thread is going, XD

Onto topic:

Welcome, Icelilly!

Contrary to popular belief, there ARE girls on the internet ;hi

Raffaele the Amigan

My Yaoi and my pretty guys pownz all your pathetic little school boyz...

Count of Montecristo


Conte of Montecristo:

André and the Count:

Last Exile

Claus Valca:

Dio Elaclaire:

Dio and Ruciola/Lucciola when child:

Claus, Dio and Ruciola/Lucciola

Captain Alex Row:

Claus, Dio and Alex trapped in the cage of roses:

Jojo's Bizzarre adventures

Jotaro Kujo:

Joseph Joestar

Dio Brando:

Joseph Joestar and Dio Brando

Steel Ball Run

J. Lo Zeppelli:

Cowboy Bebop


Ghost in the Shell


Full Metal Alchemist

Edward Elric:

Crying Freeman


Since this isnt an image thread, Ive taken the liberty of removing IMG tags.   Also, take the yaoi elsewhere please -_- this thread it for gender issues.[/color]
Pegasos computer: CPU PPC G3 600MHz, RAM DDR 512 MB PC3200, Graphic Card ATI 9250 256 MB videoram. SO MorphOS 1.4.5
;011 -(Caramba! El nuevo Peggy computador es Amiga compatible y muy Mejor!)
"God, what an incredible thing we did!"
(R.J. Mical, engineer of original Amiga developing team at Amiga Inc. 1982-1985).
"When the Amiga came out, everyone [at Apple] was scared as hell."
(Jean-Lous Gassée, former CEO of Apple France and chief of developers of Mac II-fx, interviewed by Amazing Computing, November 1996).


Point 1. I may be a master of extreme sarcasm, but Kyon is sarcasm and witty comments personified. And sarcasm rules all.

Point 2. That is not Yaoi. Very good raw material though...

Point 3. I think the cap'n pretty much clarified 'wrong thread 4 /y/' already, get it?

Sorry if i'm being rude, but i'm a nervous wreck for my finals tomorrow.

(Also no yaoi thread until that is over, at least not by me ;))


I am male, mentally male, but I tend to feel comfortable with females due to the fact that they flock towards me in time of need (like when they get dumped, need love advice, "is my butt too big?" etc etc.) and because I understand the female mind more than the average guy, It just seems that since I understand girls, I get more respect from them, and they stand up for me.

Piinatsubataa pururun nanji! wai oh wai oh Piinatsubataa pururun nanji!


Male, mentally male,just a soft type.As in i prefer beauty and romace rather gore and violence. i like beautiful things.....


I'm physically male.
Mentally... A little more feminine than masculine, so I guess maybe girl?
Red, red, everywhere...

Techno the fox

Physically Male, Mentally a Man/Boy.

Yep ^_^

Though I tend to be a bit gentle at times and enjoy the beauty in life.


Quote from: "Techno the fox"Physically Male, Mentally a Man/Boy.

Yep ^_^

Though I tend to be a bit gentle at times and enjoy the beauty in life.


nah, Im gentle too...

*hands cookie*
Piinatsubataa pururun nanji! wai oh wai oh Piinatsubataa pururun nanji!


"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Quote from: "CaptBrenden"and insane. ._.

Im not insane, well, thats what the dancing banana tells me.

*hands cookie*
Piinatsubataa pururun nanji! wai oh wai oh Piinatsubataa pururun nanji!


Quote from: "greyfish"Male, mentally male,just a soft type.As in i prefer beauty and romace rather gore and violence. i like beautiful things.....

I find gore and violence beautiful, ever see a Tarantino movie?

In all seriousness, I'm glad to see we're getting more members of the fairer sex here... it was turning into a sausage-fest.  To clarify, it's not as if I want to date anyone here, it's just great that there's plenty of variety here.  Plus, now there's even more people to offend with my borderline sexist humor (that is, if the Cap'n doesn't beat me to it).  It's just jokes y'all.

The Choice of a New Generation.

Gussy Keniji

I'm a Man, I like boobs so therefore I am mentally a man as well (lol I'm lechorous)



Quote from: "Gussy Keniji"I'm a Man, I like boobs so therefore I am mentally a man as well (lol I'm lechorous)

Interesting, I too am lecherous and like boobs, but I wouldn't consider myself completely male (as in mentally masculine).  I'd say I'm a little hypermasculine to the point of immaturity, at the same time I'm just a little feminine, too... that is, I'm in touch with emotions, but other peoples' not mine :p... I think I speak to people.

The Choice of a New Generation.


QuotePlus, now there's even more people to offend with my borderline sexist humor (that is, if the Cap'n doesn't beat me to it).

Am I really that bad?  The military lifestyle is a lot harder to shake then originally thought -_- I used to be kind sweet and gentle, I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s true.  The military, or at least marine infantry, has a way of corrupting the most pure individuals, kind of like /b/.  One of my friends was a preacher’s son, choir boy, and a missionary before the marines.  I now have footage of him quite graphically talking about how he would eat a girls @$$ in a bar in Bahrain.   Plus all of my sexist jokes are well jokes and meant in the most loving way.  

Anyhow, time to make a post I've been putting off for some time. Mostly because I don’t think anyone will believe me due to the reputation I seem to have developed around here. Maybe it will also help clarify what the starter of this thread intended.  

The starter of this thread was a physically male mentally female person. The medical term (yes it does have one, its a legit medical condition) is “gender dysphoria” or transsexual.  The quote unquote "girl trapped in a mans body."  Not to be confused with transvestite, drag queen, cross dresser, homosexual, gender bender (BTW, Nejin, if your reading this, making Kyon a girl isn’t gender bending, its gender reversal. gender benders are people who break socially accepted gender roles, such as a guy with a beards wearing a dress), etc..  The difference is that for all of those, it’s a sexual thing.  That’s how they get their kicks.

For transsexuals it’s their gender identity (personally I think transsexual is a bad term, I’d say transgender myself, but I don’t write medical text books) Transsexualizum has nothing to do with a persons sexual preference, rather their sense of self and their gender role. It doesn’t matter if they are straight, gay, bi, lesbian, or other sexual fetish or attraction, its how they see themselves in every aspect of their lives.  For a transsexual they ARE the other sex, just no one can see it.  Its gods cruel joke on them.  They don’t just act a little feminine or masculine (wussy or tomboy) but they truly wish they were the other sex.

The condition is a life long, you’re born with it.  On top of that there is no "cure," mentally at least.  You are who you are, and you cannot change that no matter how hard you try.  You can learn to play the part, act like what you’re expected to act like, but it won’t change what you want/wish/think.  

When a fetus is growing, it develops sense of self and its actual gender at separate times.  If all goes well they will match up as 98% of people do, the unlucky others are doomed to a life of being different.

I’ve read that some children with the condition, in their young naivety, believe that when they reach puberty the problem will fix itself.  For them puberty is a nightmare as their body continually changes further and further from what they think it should.  In extreme cases they cant even bare to see themselves naked and shower in the dark because to them, it’s not their body.  

It’s a horrible nasty condition that causes deep anger, depression and resentment.  It attracts hate from all those who fear that which is different from them.  This causes most to adopt a persona for the world.  They pick what ever their gender is supposed to be and then act like a stereotypical version of that sex.  A male to female transsexual girl (or MTF for short) for example would probably grow a beard, become a construction worker/mechanic/cop/soldier and basically do everything they can to convince the world they are what they aren’t to avoid the hate and scrutiny. Some go as far as to get a wife and children and a white picket fence, live the “dream” so no one will be the wiser.  Or they take high risk jobs, such as say… military Special Forces and volunteer for the most high risk missions.  Either they will convince people they are the manliest of men or they will die and not have to deal with it anymore.  Or alternatively, a FTM may become a fashion model make up artist or some distinctly female job to again, fool the world to avoid ridicule.

As I said before, there is no cure mentally. No amount of psychiatric help will make them feel like what they were born.  The only “cure” for these individuals is to change themselves physically.  To you 4chaners, they would be the traps.  Just usually, the good traps.  A good (or lucky) transsexual is the one not peg for a trap in a million years.  Since they ARE what they are dressed at (minus the genitals) they blend seamlessly into society and don’t draw attention to themselves.  Transvestites are the ones that people normally mistake for transsexuals. They are the ones where you’re like “OMG THERE IS A GUY WEARING A DRESS!!”  Many transsexuals blend so well if they ever tell anyone what they really are physically (or used to be if they get a sexual reassessment surgery) no one believes them.  The transsexuals that get spotted usually are in transition (from what they were born to what they intend to be) and they don’t quite pass yet.  I know it may frighten some straight guys that claim they could spot a trap easy, but yes, chances are you may have checked out some already.

This seems to be the only way to fix themselves and feel happy about whom they are.  No one known has learned to be who they were born and was happy.  Least, well I guess we wouldn’t know since they would never tell you.  But many transsexuals are 60+ before they finally seek help and admit, yes they are indeed miserable and living a lie and want to fix it.  Unfortunately for them they usually have 60 year or more of friends, family, and other ties that make things complicated.  Kind of hard to tell your wife of 20 years that you were the one that wanted to wear the wedding dress on wedding night (although, its kind of funny, I’ve heard more understanding wives say after that “that explains why he always had such good taste in girls clothes and was always buying them for me” because well they were probably living vicariously though their wife.)  Still I think that 60 years is far too long to be miserable with your life.

Now, getting to the point of this rant of mine (besides clarifying that those of you that feel you are sensitive or like beautiful thing are, but the poles intention, not mentally female)  Those perceptive types may have already figured it out…
I am biologically male, mentally female.  I am a MTF transsexual. (Oh god I’m turning into mootkins -_-) That’s right, the Cap’n, the loud mouth male chauvinist pig (no offence c-chan) is in fact, a girl.  

I suppose a little explanation and apology is in order.  Please forgive the little rant about my personal life after this point.  Normally Id rather not talk this in detail with people I’ve never actually met about such private personal matters, but I’ve come to really like the people on this forum and Id rather not leave, but I’d also rather not lie to you all about who I am or adopt a new account and pretend I’m not the person you already know. (Like I could conceal it, with my eccentric tendencies and obsessive love of 3.1 and Suigintou)  Which leave me in the situation of doing a very embarrassing public “coming out.” I was advised by a wise and good friend on the forum not to do thus, but as I said, I don’t want to lie to you peeps. However, I didn’t feel it was necessary to create a separate topic for it.  Hopefully, you all will come to accept me for who I’m trying to be and mention of what I used to be will disappear into the past posts and new members don’t really need to know.  Like I said, passing is also being subtle and not waving the fact around.

First off, the apology I mentioned.  I feel terribly sorry for any hurt feelings that anyone had from my male chauvinist remarks.  Like I said, it’s a learned habit from the military that I’m trying hard to shake.  (I’ve only been out for like 8 months now don’t you know) Especially the jokes about “no girls on the internets” and the like that I know Kami-tux was especially offended by.  I know I’ve made a lot of “trap” jokes as well and the like.  They were, as I said earlier, simply jokes and well… cover story.  While I was still pretending to be male, the last person to be accused of being a girl or trap would be the one that is always making jokes about them.    I made offensive jokes as a cover story to avoid ridicule, and again, for that I am sorry.  

Now some explanation… As some of you are still trying to put the pieces together because at first it doesn’t seem to make sense.  I like I mentioned before, have always even as a little kid, wanted nothing more then to be a girl.  Heck, I picked on my little sister as kids because I was so jealous/envious of how she was treated or the things she was given.  Before high school I was the quiet geek wearing plain clothes sitting in the back of the class and talked to no one.  Gentle as can be, loved cats and romance stories and all that.  Heck the GI Joes my parents bought me I played house with my sister and her Barbies (they were the insanely tall wives of the brave soldiers!). It was in high school I decided to try to “lean to be a guy” by joining the most manly of professions, the United States Marine Corps, and to top it of, insisted on infantry even though I tested well enough to be a military nuclear engineer.

I spent 5 years in the military, trying to be as hardcore rough and tough as you can be.  I seem to have learned to play the part pretty well because even online I have a reputation of being the male chauvinist.  It was all an act, well most of it.  I did develop an obsession with guns (though even as a kid my idols were the strong girls with guns such as Samus Aran, or Riply from Aliens.  Weak screaming defenseless girls bug me a bit -_-)

About 3 years in I met a transsexual that had transitioned and only after she told me did I find out she was born male.  I was shocked.  I had believed from childhood that there was no way on this earth I could ever be a girl, so why try?  I talked to her for about a year and a half more before I was willing to admit to even myself, that yes indeed everything she told me about transsexuals was me.  I think that was pretty close to when I joined the forums.  Of course I joined the forums as a guy, since I posted from a computer in the barracks and all that, and have just continued to portray that image of me here online, even though since it’s the internet, I never had to.  Only within the last year and a half did I decide that I really have no desire to live out my life lying to others and to myself to live the “normal” easy life.  Id much rather have just been born normal, even as a guy, lived a normal life. But I am who I am and now I’m trying to make other people see that.  

As you all are part of my life currently and a part I enjoy very much, that’s why I’m sharing this embarrassing story with you all.  Please bear with me as I attempt to shake off 5 years of military and the trained behaviors it gave me as I begin transitioning to a kinder gentler me. For the time being I’ll keep my name as it is the “cap’n” as well women can be cap’ns too.  Ill spare you all a picture of me, but I’m told I’m a pretty freaking cute girl ^_^

Well, I hope all of this makes sense to you all and hasn’t freaked or weirded you out.  If for whatever reason you have a problem with it, please, in PM, bring the matter to me instead of a public flaming. I will gladly listen to your concerns.  If you feel this effects my judgment as a mod or will undermine my authority as a mod, also let me know.  I will step down and give it over to Aurora completely until a replacement can be found.  Authority is derived from trust and this could affect some peoples trust in my ability to do a good job.  If you would like to discuss it in this thread, that’s fine, just don’t drag it all around the forum. The fewer reminders left for noobs, or me to see, the better.  If you have any further questions about transsexualisum I’ll be happy to answer them in thread or PM as well.

Oh and I guess my obsession with 3.1sama would seem a bit weird now being a girl.  Ill just remind everyone about my “I’m a lesbian trapped in a mans body” joke I made when this thread started.  Well, I was serious. Well not totally.  I like guys but still think man smex is gross so I didn’t mention it before (damn you lily!  You have forced Kyon away from the straight path! Bring him back!).  But as a girl, thinking male character are cute is alright.

*sits and stares and waits*
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


First off, I never pegged you as being truly male chauvinist, Cap'n.  Really, I just thought you were being offensive in general (in a joking manner, of course), as I tend to be (although it's never really come out in this forum).  I was never aware your sexist comments truly offended anyone - I thought they were understood as being all in jest.

Damn though, if this one post isn't a total mind-blower.  I have to admit my opinion of transsexuals hasn't always been the most positive, but since coming to this forum I've been exposed to such a wide bevy of peoples that I have to say my opinion has totally changed.  In a sense, I can relate, but in a very indirect sense.  You see, my story has more to do with religion than anything else and I would love to share it, but given that it's totally off-topic I won't go on about in here.  Anyway, let's just say I grew up not knowing much about myself either and now find myself living a lie.  I remember reading a similar story from a user named panda, and that really got me to thinking and gave me a chance to re-evaluate my thinking (believe or not, it's something I enjoy having the opportunity to do).  I know pouring out one's emotions like this in a forum is often times frowned upon, but it really feels like we have a pretty tight-knit community in here and we help each other out.  So I don't know if having such personal discussions is so bad.  I could go on forever like this, but to sum things up, I'm glad you've come to terms with this Cap'n.  While what I think may not matter, I just thought you should know you have my full support.  Also, I don't believe your situation should have any bearing on your position either.  I kind of lost track of everything I wanted to say, but I hope my message has still came through clear.

P.S.  I may have misunderstood some of what you said in your post about replies and where to direct them, if you feel this post would cause problems with keeping a lid on your business, I'll take no offense if you delete it.

edit: I forgot to mention, I understand how a post like this could cause some major heat for some users.  For sticking your neck out like this, you have earned major major respect from me... for what that's worth.

The Choice of a New Generation.