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Started by icerain, May 23, 2008, 08:50:23 PM

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it was Zen because it was a buddhist zoo.
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It was a Buddhist zoo because Sprout Tower was down the street
Where elf trainers go to practice Buddhism </pokenam>


Sprout Tower was down the street because it really WAS a small world after all.
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It really WAS a small world after all because they were living in a Game Boy game


They were living in a game boy game because the linx games were old and crumbling.
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The Lynx games where old and crumbling because Atari made them out of old cookie dough


aTaRi mAdE tHeM oUt oF oLd cOoKiE dOuGh bEcAuSe tHe pRiCe fOr pLaStIcS wAs aT aN aLl tImE hIgH.
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The price for plastics was at an all time high because Dr. Insano has cornered the market on plastics


dR. iNsAnO hAd cOrNeRed tHe mArKeT oN pLaStIcS bEcAuSe hE wAs tHe oNlY oNe wItH tHe sUpPlIeS tO mAkE tHeM.
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He was the only one with the supplies to make them because the others lacked sufficient science to make the supplies


tHe oThErS lAcKeD tHe sCiEnCe tO mAkE tHe sUpPlIeS bEcAuSe tHeY wEnT tO aN iNfErIoR sChOoL.
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They went to an inferior school because their parents were too cheap to pay for anything nicer


tHeir pArEnTs wErE tOo cHeAp tO pAy fOr aNyThInG nIcEr bEcAuSe tHeY gReW uP pOoR.
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They grew up poor because their parents where compulsive gamblers


their parents WERE compulsive gamblers because they were raised in a casino.
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