Longhorn or Vista?

Started by FabianN, August 14, 2005, 10:22:32 PM

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 why does everyone like the horns so much?!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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 It's because Gnu/Linux-tan has horns of course ^_^


 hey I like a horny girl as much as the next but sheesh o.O I dont think they look that good.  Then again I grew up with a bunch of long horn cows, to im not too keen on em.  *shutters*
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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 Horny girls... *looks out of the window and coughs conservatively*

As for me, neither of the Longhorn-san/Vista-san (I simply prefer referring to people/characters with -san) has yet broken into my heart. However, Longhorn-san feels more familiar as that was her name when I first got to know with her. ^^;


 It seems anyway that Longhorn is not a dead name since it'll be used for servers editions... not sure but i think having seen something saying that somewhere (clear and accurate info then :D )


 Longhorn :3

Just look at may avatar....  :wub:  XD
http://img328.imageshack.us/img328/9368/mifirmarakihate0gw.jpg\' border=\'0\' alt=\'user posted image\' />


QUOTE (Raki_Saeki @ Nov 4 2005, 06:58 AM)
Longhorn :3

Just look at may avatar....  :wub:  XD [/quote]
Horned girls are indeed the best  :lol:  


 is there even a graphical representation of Vistatan yet?

btw.. vista tan all the way! resistance is futile!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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QUOTE (CaptBrenden @ Nov 8 2005, 03:40 AM)
is there even a graphical representation of Vistatan yet?
there is, but it not so big yet. oh and it's on page two of ostan image gallery ... we're growing.
i'm trying to find i picture, but its hard.


 ah yes.. i take it back, i have seen the bunned one
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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I personally prefer Vista over Longhorn... it sounds a little more, well, better in my opinion...

So, Microsoft is trying to do their own art of Vista-tan? Well, I guess I saw it coming (actually I didn't, but it doesn't surprise me is all). OS-tan have become pretty popular now, and I would assume that Microsoft doesn't want Vista-tan to reflect any of Windows Vista's shortcomings or problems. I don't think they would have let XP-tan have such a ravenous appitite if they had the choice (the fact that XP eats up so much memory isn't the feature they would want to advertise, I think).

Alright, but that's just my opinion. Hope you all didn't mind my rambling...


Quote from: "Jioruji_Derako"
So, Microsoft is trying to do their own art of Vista-tan?

Microsoft does?

I dont think microsoft ever recognize those things....


//Microsoft does?

I think microsoft ever recognize those things....//

I don't know for sure if Microsoft is actually doing anything, I originally heard it from CaptBrenden... but it really wouldn'r surprise me.


I don't personally believe in Microsoft having any interest in the field of anime / manga or in the online phenomena coming from either of those fields. Anime girls / guys are not necessary considered the best way to express their image to companies, and diversifying their OS symbology from the nearly perfect Windows logo to including also 'cartoons' sounds a bit strange for a huge multibillion company like them.

I'd say CaptBrenden-san was joking. Were you, Captain? Correct me if I'm wrong. ;)


no i dont remmember where I heard it anymore, but personaly it dosent suprize me that they would jump on anything that promotes them.  anything to make money I guess
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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