making a simple game with OS tans....

Started by bookgekgom, February 29, 2008, 09:30:34 PM

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humm seems we are having spicy pork today.  Or pork alla flambe.    

However I shall not sully this good fellows thread with counter banter.    As where your attempted attack on me gave me a good LOL and Ive got plenty to say about it I wont.  Ive long since given up on trying to make you see any form of reason, or trying to gain any civility or friendship back from you.  For you are very.. plz forgive the pun, PIG HEADED.  

But back on topic,   the project is more likely to succseed if you give a much better description of what EXACTLY you want.  like a list of graphics you want, and maybe a little stick doddle of basicly what it is you want a more talented or experienced artist to recreate for you.   Unlike porkchops I understand not everyone has the time to learn everything about everything.  Simply explain what you want more and then we artists and musicians will try and work with you to translate that into terms we can use.  

Let us know what you want, and we can try to make it happen.  Unlike some people who would go better on rice, I understand that this is your project and I wont try to change your vision to meet my own views on it.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


*shuffles in*

Can't we all just get along?

*shuffles out*


Aww. man I would love to study your code, bookgekgom... (I just now realize how hentai that <- sounds :D)
The only code i know so far is Delphi, QBASIC and PLC-programming with Mitsubishi's software. And I've got some examples of bad n00b coding to go with them (if I can find the hard-copy's I made of them)...
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


I took a class and was supposed to learn C Basic but I failed haha...


meh I learned Delphi at school, but I was programming a Wordpad-like text editor while one half of the class were still doing simple if-then-else problems and the other half were trying to figure out how the netadmins could see what they were sending each other with the "net send * <message>" command I taught them...of course I didn't tell them that if they used the * wildcard instead of a computer-name or IP adress everyone on the subnet would get the message...:D
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


lolol xD I made... a calculator! I was one of those really stupid people... who spent th entire class gnawing on the computer...


Well programming isn't as simple as people may make it look... (did that come out right?)
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


... I can't even do actionscript T-T


whats actionscript? (boi do i feel like a n00b now :D)
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


The language used in Macromedia Flash xD It's so simple... but I can never make it work.


well, I never was any good in HTML or Flash, even tough I know it's supposed to be simple.....Meh I always was more of a hardware-guy, anyway :D
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


I'm more of a... pretty colors and bright lights sort of person


Well, me too. But mostly when I'm *looks for Cappie and his b& hammer, cuz he scares me with that thing*....stoned... I can look at WinAmp's Milkdrop for hours while listening to Psy- and Goa-trance, then... ;010
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


I don't need to be stoned to do that :F But I usually listen to gabba.

andcuddlecorewhenicanfindit T-T


Mweuh... I think that Hardcore and it's variety's are becoming too focussed around the bass-loop and they don't focus enough on other instruments....
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^