Mac Party Redux!

Started by Aurora Borealis, February 03, 2008, 10:38:10 PM

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I like your vector images but as far as comics are concerned, raster is probably a lot quicker to work with. And quicker to work with means more pages for us to appreciate. ^^

Ironically, while the Linux-tans aren't related to the Unices in blood they're far more in line with Unix philosophy than many of the blood Unix-tans.

Aurora Borealis

Yeah. In the original vector version, I only got 1.5 pages semi-finished because in each panel, I wanted to get all the details and shapes -just- right! ^^;

Mostly done with page 2!



hmm, is lisa related to unix?
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Aurora Borealis

No, the only of Apple's OSes to be Unix-based are A/UX, Darwin OS and Mac OSX.

The Lisa OS was mainly built from scratch by Apple, influenced by Xerox's Pilot OS, and also shared features with the Apple ///'s OS.


Here's page 2!

System 6-tan gives the barely-awake System 3-tan a wake-up call, though it kinda backfires!


Hahaha, I've had that happen with pancake mix before. Not fun. Angry Mac-tan is adorable, System 7-tan is adorable-er, and System 1-tan getting ready to put the hammer down on some poor eggs is lulzy.

Who's that girl on the far left in that bottom panel though? I don't recognize her.

Aurora Borealis


That's Mac System 3.4-tan, who looks very different with her hair down and without her sunglasses! ^^;


lol, macs in pj's. xD
i like em' so far! ^^ gotta love mac OSX's expression, something along the lines of "huhwha......ehhhh......sleepy. *snooze*" xD

i've had that feeling xD
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Aurora Borealis

Thank you! Yeah, I've had that feeling a lot. Especially since it's getting colder, and harder to get out of bed which is nice and warm! *snooze*

Aurora Borealis

Here's page 3! Brought to you by the Large Ham trope! :D


"is my hiding spot good enough?" lulz'd. -w-;


Huzzah for the Panther and Jaguar-tan cameos: they're the forgotten OSXen. D:

Tiger-tan's army helmet and behaviour, a reference to Tiger's bootcamp feature?

I love nonchalant System 7-tan in panel 1. xD

Aurora Borealis

Yeah. I haven't forgotten about them, though I haven't used either of them in years (though Panther was my main OS until 2008). I see Jaguar-tan as being a Genki Girl whose a bit hammy herself!

Correct! That is a boot camp helmet! Leopard-tan probably has one somewhere too! There's another Mac OS feature reference in the page. I'm confident you'll find it!

System 7-tan is like one of the most non-chalant OS-tans out there, she's easily gotten used to all the mayhem...


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^Call me crazy, but is that a MAC SYSTEM 6-tan in your avatar?!