The "Old games I still like to play" thread

Started by Gussy Keniji, November 29, 2007, 08:47:25 PM

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Dungeon Keeper 2 and Populous 2 both games that deserve to get a sequel.

Them be the Velvets. They are made of Velvets and Megidolaon.


I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


hm...old games huh, i still got my NES, play contra alot...


I find that I still play Command and Conquer and Civilization, as they are both great "old" games. I've also gotten into the old DOS version of Secret of Monkey Island again too, which means I am set for the next while.

Never tired of old RTS, TBS or Point and Click adventures. :3


RIIIIIIIIDGE RACEEEEEEEER, has been my thing lately.
But RR Type4 is barely "old"...
Also did a 100% run on WarioLand2 not so long time ago.
Using this machine.

Though, now that the days are getting brighter again and I wont need a backlit screen all the time, I can dig out my NGPC again.


Rocket knight adventures and the sonic trilogy+knuckles were very fond childhood memories. anything else that I've played I consider too new to be nostalgic


My first system was a game boy color and it was the shit. I got a SNES a while ago and I i love to play SMB: All-Stars


I got myself Dracula X Chronicles for the PSP, and after unlocking Symphony of the Night, I found myself playing it more than the Chi no Rondo remake.
Now to unlock the original Chi no Rondo...

Sadly, this SotN version is a remaster, so it doesnt have the "WHAT IS A MAN?" awesomeness.


Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
Also Rise of the Triad and Duke Nukem 3D.


Videogames you (Heart) thread reminded me that there was this thread as well.

Zelda1 is one of the classics I liked to play, though, havent played in ages...
Therefore I decided to get it again.
On this console, which I received only moments ago:

However, because British mail sucks, my express24 packet with FC games is still yet to arrive.

Also in before necropost.


Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


come to think of it, my cousin ryan had a dreamcast. <3 i wonder how he's doing....

oh, and, MARIO PARTY 3:
click to make it bigger


Just yesterday Remilia and I played Megaman 2 on my NES. <3


Quote from: Red-Machine on January 22, 2011, 06:35:22 AM
I've never seen one of THOSE before.
It's a Sharp Famicom Twin. Japan only, 1986.
Famicom and Famicom Disk System in one package.

I was quite lucky to get that CRT TV from my boss, without even knowing if it can support 60hz/NTSC mode.
Initial reaction after plugging that console in and powering it on, and receiving no sound nor image was quite unpleasant, but after some AV jack and plug wiping/grinding and trying out SCART instead of Composite input, it turns out to work like new.

Too bad I dont have (yet) a FC Disk to test the Disk Drives condition. As they tend to wear out very quickly.


ebay. that's where i found the swan. :\ (and it was only 15 bucks! in multiple colours!)
click to make it bigger